Aide Memoire
Important matters pending before the Council include:
A letter from the Council president to the Secretary-General of 29 November 2006 (S/2006/928) requested an updated index to Council notes and statements on working methods. This index had not been published at press time.
The 2005 World Summit requested the Security Council to consider reforms relating to the Military Staff Committee. This has yet to be addressed.
The Secretary-General’s report on security sector reform, requested in February in presidential statement 2007/3 and expected in November has not been issued yet.
The post of the Special Representative in Ethiopia-Eritrea has been vacant since May 2006.
On the DRC, the Council has still not taken up individual sanctions under resolution 1698 against armed groups that recruit children despite MONUC reports about the problem continuing on a serious scale. Nor has the Council resumed discussion of the issue of natural resources in the DRC, notwithstanding its open thematic debate on the subject of natural resources and conflict in June (S/PV.5705).
The December 2004 report by the Secretary-General on human rights violations in Côte d’Ivoire, requested by presidential statement 2004/17, has still not been made public. Also on Côte d’Ivoire, the December 2005 report by the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide has not been published.
On West Africa, the Council is yet to follow up its 16 March consultations on cross-border issues.
A report from the Secretary-General on options for further implementation of resolution 1625 on conflict prevention, particularly in Africa, requested in August in presidential statement 2007/31 to be submitted within sixty days has not been published as of this writing.
The last UNAMI human rights report in Iraq covered the period from 1 April to 30 June 2007. The reports are usually produced every two to three months. A further report was therefore expected on 30 September.
The Secretary-General has yet to develop proposals for the delineation of the international borders of Lebanon, especially in the Sheb’a Farms area, in accordance with resolution 1701, and advise on the cartographic, legal and political implications of the alternative path suggested by the government of Lebanon in its seven-point plan.