Security Council Working Methods

  • China is the president of the Security Council in February. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (3 February). China has chosen to organise one signature event, a high-level open debate on “Practicing Multilateralism,...

  • Algeria is the president of the Security Council in January. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (2 January). Algeria has chosen to organise three signature events during its presidency. The first one is...

  • In 2024, the Security Council was confronted with a world beset by multiple crises, including continuing wars in Ukraine and Gaza, severe deterioration in the situation in Sudan, and a sudden shift in the political situation in Syria. Differing strategic interests and irreconcilable world views among the major powers restricted the Council’s ability to fully address these crises. The tensions among the major powers were frequently in evidence in the Council chamber, where members clashed on a range of issues.

  • 2 December 2024

    Plan of Work for December 2024

    What's in Blue

    The US is the president of the Security Council in December. Council members were unable to reach agreement on the provisional programme of work for the month, apparently due to Russia’s objection to the inclusion of Ukraine on the programme. Instead, the...

  • The 22nd annual workshop for incoming members of the UN Security Council, titled “Hitting the Ground Running”, will be held on 21 and 22 November on Long Island, New York. The government of Finland is convening the workshop in cooperation...

  • 1 November 2024

    Plan of Work for November 2024

    What's in Blue

    The UK is the president of the Security Council in November. Council members were unable to reach agreement on the provisional programme of work for the month, due to Russia’s apparent objection to the inclusion of Ukraine on the programme. Instead, the...

  • 1 October 2024

    Programme of Work for October 2024  

    What's in Blue

    Switzerland is the president of the Security Council in October. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (1 October). Switzerland has chosen to organise two signature events. The first is a high-level briefing on...

  • The six years I’ve spent as Security Council Report’s (SCR) Executive Director have been eventful. SCR has observed and documented the Council’s actions on dramatically changing situations including the COVID-19 pandemic, Ukraine, and Gaza, and on major policy shifts, such as the UN financing of AU peace support operations. Day in and day out, SCR has interacted with Council members, other member states, regional bodies, the UN Secretariat, academia, and civil society in order to produce impartial, nuanced and fact-checked reports on issues before the Security Council. I feel privileged to have held this position, in which I have learned a great deal. Stepping down, I offer some reflections on the Security Council’s impact on international peace and security.

  • 3 September 2024

    Programme of Work for September 2024

    What's in Blue

    Slovenia is the president of the Security Council in September. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (3 September). Slovenia has chosen to organise one signature event, a high-level open debate on “Leadership for...

  • On Monday morning (12 August), the Security Council will convene for a high-level debate titled “Addressing the historical injustice and enhancing Africa’s effective representation on the UN Security Council” under the “Maintenance of international peace and security” agenda item. This...

  • 1 August 2024

    Programme of Work for August 2024

    What's in Blue

    Sierra Leone is the president of the Security Council in August. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (1 August). Sierra Leone has chosen to organise two signature events. It will convene a debate...

  • In August, the Security Council is expected to convene for a debate titled “Addressing the historical injustice and enhancing Africa’s effective representation in the UN Security Council” under the “Maintenance of International Peace and Security” agenda item. The briefers are expected to include UN Secretary-General António Guterres; Dennis Francis, the President of the UN General Assembly; and a civil society briefer. No formal outcome is anticipated.   

  • 1 July 2024

    Programme of Work for July 2024

    What's in Blue

    Russia is the president of the Security Council in July. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work for the month earlier today (1 July). Russia has chosen to organise three signature events this month. It will convene a ministerial-level...

  • The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the oldest subsidiary body of the Security Council, with its role explicitly mentioned in the UN Charter. It is to advise and assist the Security Council on all military requirements for maintaining international peace and security. However, for most of its life, the MSC has been dormant and unable to fulfill this responsibility.

  • In July, the Security Council will hold a ministerial-level open debate on “Multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable work order”. This is one of the signature events of the Russian presidency. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is expected to chair the meeting. No briefers are anticipated.