June 2006 Monthly Forecast

Posted 26 May 2006
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Review of Security Council Mandates

As reported in our May 2006 Monthly Forecast, the Council was expected to begin to consider ways in which it would examine its mandates pursuant to the Secretary-General’s report on mandates review.  The Council has now established a new mechanism to undertake this review, the Ad Hoc Council Mechanism on Mandate Review, which is co-chaired by the Permanent Representatives of Slovakia and the United States. It held its first meeting, at the Permanent Representatives level, on 17 May.

Neither the Council nor the “Review Mechanism” issued terms of reference.  Hence, there is very little specific information available to the broader UN community on the intent of the Council with regard to the review of its mandates.

However, emerging from its first meeting, it appears the review will include all Council mandates, rather than only those over five years old.  It is also expected that the co-chairs will present a proposal to the Council on the method of review to be employed and a timetable for completion of the review.

Since Council mandates ultimately impact all UN member states, there will be wider interest in the substance of the process and UN member states will be interested in whether the Council will consult more widely on its intentions.  This is of particular importance with peacekeeping mandates as they affect not only the regional countries concerned but also troop-contributing countries (TCCs). In keeping with resolution 1353 and the mechanism established for consultations with TCCs, wider consultations may be seen as important.  Also in this context, the Security Council established guidelines set out in resolution 1327.
One early objective of the review will be to make Council mandates more effective.  This is of particular importance with regard to the effectiveness of targeted sanctions and their enforcement. The preliminary recommendations are in the 26 September 2002 report of the Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions. A number of sanctions expert panels have also made recommendations to their respective sanctions committees to enhance the effectiveness of those sanctions which could be taken up by the new mechanism.

We will continue to follow the progress of the review process with a view to providing insights into Security Council mandates and prospects for review in future issues of Security Council Report’s Monthly Forecast.

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UN Documents

Selected Security Council Resolutions
  • S/RES/1353 (13 June 2001) strengthened cooperation with TCCs.
  • S/RES/1327 (13 November 2000) was on the implementation of the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (S/2000/809).

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