Much of the Council's attention and energy in June will be consumed by Sudan. Formulating the details of the future UN mandate in Darfur will be a focus. Read more
June promises to be an extraordinarily busy month for the Council. Denmark has the presidency. The programme of work (mission reviews, reports, briefings and mandate renewals) scheduled by previous decisions runs to at least twelve items. In addition the Council... Read more
Following the quarterly report of the United Nations Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) due 1 June, the commission's acting Executive Chairman, Demetrius Perricos, will brief the Council. The Council will also likely discuss UNMOVIC at its retreat with the Secretary-General in early June. Read more
The Council is expected to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Burundi (ONUB) until 31 December.The Secretary-General's proposal for an integrated UN office in Burundi to follow on from ONUB in 2007, covering security-sector reforms and human rights as well as transitional government, will also be discussed in light of the Secretary-General's report on ONUB, which is due 15 June. In this context, some discussion of a possible Peacebuilding Commission role is likely. Read more
The Council will review the mandate for the multinational force (MNF) and the mandates of the Development Fund for Iraq and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board. Also in June, the quarterly report of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) is due, and the US is expected to report to the Council on the activities of the MNF. Read more
Review of Security Council Mandates
As reported in our May 2006 Monthly Forecast, the Council was expected to begin to consider ways in which it would examine its mandates pursuant to the Secretary-General's report on mandates review. The Council has now established a new mechanism to undertake this review, the Ad Hoc Council Mechanism on Mandate Review. Read more
The Council is likely to be devoting more attention to Timor-Leste in June than expected. In May, it postponed consideration of the UN political presence there until 20 June due to uncertainty about the security situation in the country. But in the days following that decision, violence rapidly escalated and the government requested Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Portugal to send troops to help calm the situation. Read more
Democratic Republic of the Congo
A Council mission will visit the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in June and reinforce the need for the 30 July elections to proceed smoothly and fairly. A briefing and a report are expected to follow. Read more
In June, Iran will almost certainly be on the Council's agenda again. As forecast last month, a draft resolution was introduced by France and the UK and, at press time, negotiations are still ongoing. Adoption in June now seems likely. Follow up action also seems likely in June. Read more
The Council continues to expect the Secretary-General's recommendations on "how best to support efforts by states in the region to put an end to the activities of illegal armed groups." The recommendations, requested by resolution 1653, have been the subject of delays and buck-passing within the Secretariat. Read more
International Criminal Tribunals
Council members expect in June a briefing from the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, on the investigations into international crimes committed in Darfur. Read more
Aide Memoire
Important matters awaited include: On Charles Taylor, a draft resolution to facilitate a hearing of his case by the Special Court for Sierra Leone in the International Criminal Court premises and for his detention in the Netherlands, first circulated in... Read more
UNDOF (Golan)
The Council is expected to follow its standard practice and simply extend the mandate of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights for another six months. Read more
On 15 June, the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) will expire. The Council is expected to renew the mandate for an additional six months, but pressure for a further downsizing of the mission is growing. Read more
"Uniting Against Terrorism" – More Tasks for the Council?
The Secretary-General's report Uniting against Terrorism: Recommendations for Global Counterterrorism Strategy of 27 April 2006 (A/60/825), is another in a series of subject-specific responses to the 2005 World Summit Outcome. Read more
The report from the Liberia Sanctions Committee Panel of Experts is due by 7 June. Sanctions on timber and diamonds expire on 20 June. The arms embargo and travel ban expire on 20 December. The Council has also imposed, on an indefinite basis, an asset freeze on a list of individuals with ties to former Liberian president Charles Taylor. Read more
At the end of May, the Council will receive the periodic report from the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). In June the Council will likely focus on the process of standards implementation, and perhaps discuss the ongoing decreases in the size of the mission and the future of the UN's involvement in Kosovo. Read more
Lebanon (UNIIIC)
The Council is expected to extend the mandate, which expires on 15 June, of the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) regarding the terrorist attack that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 others. The Council is also expected to address the fourth report of UNIIIC, to be submitted by its Commissioner Serge Brammertz on 9 June. Read more
Notable Dates
Notable Dates for June 2006. Read more
Status Update
Status Update of Security Council Activity in May 2006. Read more