June 2006 Monthly Forecast

Posted 26 May 2006
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Status Update

Recent developments on Darfur/SudanIranLebanon (UNIIIC), Uganda/LRATimor-Leste, BurundiDRCLiberiaKosovoIraqUNMOVICCyprus and Golan Heights (UNDOF) are covered in the relevant briefs in the June 2006 issue. However, some other interesting developments in May included:

  • Ethiopia/Eritrea: A technical rollover of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) until 31 May was adopted in resolution 1678.  There was no breakthrough at the 17 May Boundary Commission meeting in London and, at the time of writing, Council members were considering downsizing the mission.
  • Somalia: On 10 May, the Council adopted resolution 1676 which stressed the obligation of all member states to comply fully with the arms embargo and renewed the Somalia Monitoring Group’s mandate for another six months.  Members also received the final report of the Monitoring Group which informed the Council about a “widening circle of states that clandestinely provide support to the antagonist of their choice.”
  • Haiti: The Council issued a presidential statement (S/PRST/2006/22) on 15 May congratulating René Préval on his inauguration as President of Haiti. The statement also stressed the importance of the holding of timely local elections now scheduled for 23 July (postponed from 18 June).
  • Côte d’Ivoire: Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Marie Guéhenno briefed the Council on Côte d’Ivoire on 24 May.  The Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2006/23) the same day welcoming the public hearings on nationality but reiterating its grave concern at the serious delay in the implementation of the road map established by the International Working Group and expressed in the Secretary-General’s April 2006 report (S/2006/222).  The draft resolution to expand the size of UNOCI previewed in our May Forecast was still under discussion at press time but was expected to be adopted by 31 May.
  • Sierra Leone: The Council held consultations on the regular report of the Secretary-General (S/2006/269) on UNIOSIL.
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