UN Documents for Central African Republic

Selected Security Council Resolutions View All
15 November 2023 S/PV.9476 This document is the meeting record of Security Council's meeting to adopt a resolution that renews the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) for another year, until 15 November 2024.
15 November 2023 S/RES/2709 This resolution renews the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) for another year, until 15 November 2024.
27 July 2023 S/RES/2693 This resolution extended the 2127 CAR sanctions regime until 31 July 2024 and the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee until 31 August 2024.
Selected Security Council Presidential Statements View All
9 April 2019 S/PRST/2019/3 This was a presidential statement establishing benchmarks for suspending or progressively lifting arms embargo measures on the government of the CAR.
13 July 2018 S/PRST/2018/14 This was a presidential statement expressing the Council's concern over the continuing violence perpetrated by armed groups in the CAR and reaffirming its support to the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR.
13 July 2017 S/PRST/2017/9 This was a presidential statement that expressed concern at ongoing clashes between armed groups in the CAR and the targeting of civilians from specific communities, UN Peacekeepers and humanitarian workers.
Selected Secretary-General's Reports View All
15 February 2024 S/2024/170 This was the report on the situation in the CAR.
14 October 2023 S/2023/769 This was the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in the CAR.
15 May 2023 S/2023/356 was a letter from the Secretary-General on the progress in the implementation of benchmarks for a review of the arms embargo imposed on the CAR.
Selected Sanctions Committee Documents View All
18 May 2023 S/2023/360 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.
3 February 2023 S/2023/87 This was the midterm report of the Panel of Experts in accordance with paragraph 7 of resolution 2648 (2022.)
29 June 2022 S/2022/527 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic.
Selected Security Council Letters View All
19 December 2023 S/2023/1013 This letter from the chair of the PBC's Central African Republic configuration, Ambassador Omar Hilale (Morocco) contained the report of the visit that he undertook to Bangui from 7 to 11 November 2023.
10 November 2023 S/2023/860 This letter contained the PBC's advice for the mandate renewal of MINUSCA.
9 November 2022 S/2022/840 This was a letter from the Chair of the Central African Republic (CAR) configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission conveying advice on the upcoming renewal of the mandate of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (MINUSCA).
Selected Security Council Meeting Records View All
21 February 2024 S/PV.9554 This was a meeting on the situation in the CAR.
26 October 2023 S/PV.9454 This is the meeting record on the situation in the Central African Republic.
20 June 2023 S/PV.9352 This was a meeting on the situation in the CAR.
Selected Security Council Press Statements View All
5 October 2022 SC/15055 This was a press statement condemning the IED attack that led to the deaths of three peacekeepers.
22 January 2021 SC/14420 Council members condemned violence related to the electoral process in the CAR.
18 January 2021 SC/14416 Members of the Security Council expressed condolences to the families of two MINUSCA peacekeepers who were killed on the outskirts of Bangassou on 18 January 2021.
Selected Peacebuilding Commission Documents View All
28 October 2011 PBC/5/CAF/L.1 This contained the draft conclusions and recommendations of the second biannual review of the strategic framework for peacebuilding in CAR.
Selected Human Rights Council Documents View All
9 August 2019 A/HRC/42/61 This was the report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic.
19 December 2014 S/2014/928 This was the final report of the CAR Commission of Inquiry.
26 September 2014 A/HRC/RES/27/28 This Human Rights Council Resolution condemned widespread violations and abuses of human rights perpetrated by all actors and renewed for one year the mandate of the independent expert on human rights in the CAR.
Selected Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict Documents View All
19 December 2016 S/AC.51/2016/3 The Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict conclusions on the Central African Republic.
6 July 2011 S/AC.51/2011/5 These were the conclusions of the Working Group on children and armed conflict on CAR.
Selected Other Documents View All
18 May 2023 S/2023/360 This was the final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.
13 July 2007 S/2007/421/Corr.1 This was the corrigendum of the report of the Security Council mission to Addis Ababa, Khartoum, Accra, Abidjan and Kinshasa, from14 to 21 June 2007.
11 July 2007 S/2007/421 This was a report of the Security Council mission to Addis Ababa, Khartoum, Accra, Abidjan and Kinshasa, from14 to 21 June 2007.