Aide Memoire
Important matters awaited include:
The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict resolution has still not been adopted.
The September World Summit request for fair and clear procedures on listing and delisting on Council sanctions lists is still outstanding. The Office of Legal Affairs report is awaited.
A report addressing serious crimes committed in Timor Leste was requested six months ago.
Resolution 1623 on Afghanistan requested quarterly reports on the activities of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The last ISAF report was circulated in October 2005.
The Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Prevention of Genocide Juan Méndez’s report, on his visit to Côte d’Ivoire in November was “shared” with the Council, but has not been made public.
Resolution 1653 requested recommendations on “how best to support efforts by States in the region to put an end to the activities of illegal armed groups…” This was understood to include the thorny issue of the Ugandan rebel group Lord’s Resistance Army. (Resolution 1663 now gives the Secretariat until 24 April.)