May 2006
Status Update of Security Council Activity in April 2006. Read more
Aide Memoire
Important matters awaited include: The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict resolution has still not been adopted. The September World Summit request for fair and clear procedures on listing and delisting on Council sanctions lists is still outstanding. The Office of Legal Affairs report... Read more
Western Sahara
The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), due to expire on 30 April, for an additional six months. Read more
Côte d’Ivoire
The Secretary-General's quarterly report on the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) is expected to draw the Council's attention again to the need for an increase in the number of troops and police units in Côte d'Ivoire. Read more
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Council will discuss two forthcoming reports of the Secretary-General: on foreign fighters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC); and the regular report on the UN Organization Mission in the DRC (MONUC). Read more
Having sent a unanimous signal on 24 March that it remains committed to the transition from the AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS) to a UN peacekeeping operation in Darfur, the Council is unlikely to take action on the UN force mandate until it receives an options report from the Secretariat in late April. Read more
By 15 April, the Council will need to renew the mandate of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE). A further technical rollover is possible, but a decision to radically change the mandate is not out of the question. Read more
Counter-Terrorism Committee
The Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) have a number of outstanding issues that have been pending for a while and require specific decisions by the CTC. Read more
In response to the positive developments in Lebanon, the Council is expected to adopt a presidential statement (or perhaps a resolution), giving encouragement to the "national dialogue process" and welcoming the report from the Secretary-General's Special Envoy, Terje Røed-Larsen. Read more
Non-Proliferation (1540 Committee)
The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the 1540 Committee, which expires on 28 April. Read more
The Secretary-General's quarterly report on the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) is due in April. A presidential statement welcoming the holding of the second round of parliamentary elections, now scheduled for April, is likely. Read more
April is scheduled to be a relatively quiet month for the Council. No major open debates are envisaged. China has the presidency and is unlikely to initiate any new thematic issues for discussion. However, issues such as Iran and Darfur... Read more