April 2006 Monthly Forecast

Posted 30 March 2006
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May 2006

Recent developments on Iran, Sudan/Darfur, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Côte d’Ivoire, Timor-Leste, Haiti, Somalia, and Sierra Leone are covered in the relevant briefs in the May 2006 issue. However, some other interesting developments in April included:

  • Protection of Civilians: after very lengthy negotiations a new draft resolution seems to be in final stages of preparation. (Resolution 1674 was adopted on 28 April.)
  • DRC: the resolution authorising an EU force deployment to provide additional capacity over the election period was adopted (S/RES/1671).
  • Northern Uganda: various Council members in the closed session on 19 April (see records of the open Council meeting S/PV.5415 and the communiqué from the closed session S/PV.5416) indicated to the two Ugandan ministers that a political solution must be found in northern Uganda, that continued threats of unilateral action in the DRC were unacceptable and that regional mechanisms must be used. The message seemed to be that while others, including the UN, will do what they can; Uganda must address the root causes of the LRA problem.
  • Anti-Terrorism Committees: as expected, the 1540 Committee mandate was extended until 2008 (S/RES/1673). Progress in the 1267 Committee was slow and the discussion of the listing/delisting issue remains stalled.

Full forecast 


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