October 2008 Monthly Forecast

Posted 29 September 2008
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China will have Security Council presidency in October. The election of five new members of the Council for the 2009-10 terms will be held on 17 October in the General Assembly. Two new members from WEOG need to be elected as well as one each for the African, Asian and Latin American seats.

An open debate on women peace and security is expected to be held in late October.

Open meetings are expected in order to consider the mandates of two peacekeeping operations both expiring on 15 October:

  • UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH); and
  • UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG).

Other likely public meetings include:

  • the Middle East, in accordance with the monthly practice;
  • on Afghanistan to receive a briefing from the Secretary General’s Special Representative;
  • on Nepal, to receive a briefing from the Special Representative on the Secretary-General’s latest report on UNMIN;
  • on Sudan to renew the mandate of the Sudan sanctions Panel of Experts (expiring on 15 October) and the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMID and UNMIS; and
  • on Côte d’Ivoire to renew the sanctions and the Group of Experts (expiring on 31 October).

It is possible there will be meetings on:

  • Lebanon, on recent developments and on the latest report on the implementation of resolution 1559;
  • DPRK, to receive a briefing from the chairman of the sanctions committee and discussion of the most recent developments is also likely;
  • Kosovo, to receive details of the planned reconfiguration of UNMIK;
  • Somalia, to discuss a possible new sanctions resolution and possible options on piracy; and
  • Oil-for-Food (in particular about avoiding exposing the UN to legal challenges if final payments are made without full documentation).

Full forecast


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