UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
5 November 2020 SC/14349 This was a press statement in which Council members condemned the 2 November attack that took place at Kabul University.
27 October 2020 SC/14339 This was was on the ceasefire agreed between representatives of the GNA and the LAAF.
27 October 2020 SC/14338 This was a press statement in which Council members condemned the 24 October attack that took place near the Kawsar e Danish educational center in Kabul.
19 October 2020 SC/14332 This was a press statement adopted by Council members in which they reiterated their unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and reiterated the importance of the full implementation of the 2016 peace agreement.
16 October 2020 SC/14329 This press statement, among other points, urged the Yemeni parties to urgently endorse the UN-facilitated Joint Declaration proposals without delay, condemned military escalations in Marib and Hodeidah governorates and expressed deep concern that famine is a realistic prospect.
16 October 2020 SC/14330 This was a Council press statement condemning in the strongest terms the 15 October attack against MINUSMA in Kidal region through an explosive device, which killed one peacekeeper from Egypt and seriously injured one other, as well as the attack against a MINUSMA integrated camp in Timbuktu, which injured at least one peacekeeper from Burkina Faso.
9 October 2020 SC/14323 This was a press statement that welcomed the signing of the 3 October 2020 peace agreement in Juba between the transitional government of Sudan and an opposition group, the Sudan Liberation Army led by Minni Minawi.
18 September 2020 SC/14310 This was a press statement in which members of the Council welcomed the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations in Doha, Qatar, on 12 September 2020.
19 August 2020 SC/14279 This press statement strongly condemned the mutiny which happened in Kati, Mali, on 18 August 2020, and subsequent arrest of the Mali's president and other government officials.
5 August 2020 SC/14271 This was a press statement in which members of the Security Council condemned the terrorist attack that took place at a prison complex in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, on 3 August 2020.
27 July 2020 SC/14262 This was on the 22 July killing of five humanitarian aid workers in Nigeria.
16 July 2020 SC/14255 This was a press statement expressing Council members' support for the 2016 peace agreement, in which Council members took note with interest the request of the parties that the Verification Mission will monitor the implementation of the sanctions of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP).
14 July 2020 SC/14253 This press statement condemned an attack against a MINUSCA convoy.
13 July 2020 SC/14248 This was a press statement welcoming developments in South Sudan’s peace process, including the agreement between the parties to the Revitalised Agreement on the allocation of states’ leadership positions and announcement of governors.
1 July 2020 SC/14239 This was on a 29 June terrorist attack in Karachi, Pakistan, resulting in several deaths.