UN Security Council Press Statements

Security Council Press Statements View full list
8 May 2012 SC/10640 The Council expressed its readiness to consider targeted sanctions against the perpetrators and supporters of the military coup in Guinea-Bissau and welcomed mediation efforts by ECOWAS.
3 May 2012 SC/10634 This statement followed the events in North Kivu.
25 April 2012 SC/10626 The Council welcomed the presidential elections in Timor-Leste.
24 April 2012 SC/10623 The Council condemn an attack on UNAMID peacekeepers.
17 April 2012 SC/10611 The Council condemned coordinated terrorist attacks in Afghanistan on 15 and 16 April, while reiterating that no terrorist act can reverse the path towards Afghan-led peace, democracy and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
13 April 2012 SC/10607 The Council condemned the coup and called for immediate release of interim President Raimundo Pereira, Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior and all senior officials currently detained.
5 April 2012 SC/10602 The Council condemned the 4 April suicide attack against the national theatre in Mogadishu which killed ten people.
27 March 2012 SC/10594 This statement was primarily on the violence along the Sudan- South Sudan border.
22 March 2012 SC/10590 This statement was on the forcible seizure of power in Mali and called for the restoration of the constitutional order.
21 March 2012 SC/10585 The Council condemned the terrorist attacks in Damascus on 17 and 19 March and in Aleppo on 18 March.
7 March 2012 SC/10571 The Council condemned the terrorist attacks that occurred in Abyan province.
1 March 2012 SC/10564 The Council deplored the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria and called for Damascus to grant access to OCHA head Valerie Amos.
23 February 2012 SC/10556 The Council condemned the terrorist attack in New Delhi, India, which aimed and injured Israeli diplomatic personnel and civilians, and the recent attempted terrorist attack in Tbilisi, Georgia against Israeli diplomats.
22 February 2012 SC/10553 The Council noted the significance of presidential elections and encouraged further transitional steps to be taken promptly.
14 February 2012 SC/10543 This statement was on South Kordofan and Blue Nile.