UN Documents for Mali: Security Council Press Statements
Security Council Press Statements | Return to full list |
29 June 2018 SC/13407 | This condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on the headquarters of the FC-G5S in Sévaré. |
15 April 2018 SC/13298 | This was a press statement condemning the attack on a MINUSMA camp in Timbuktu, which caused the death of a Burkinabe peacekeeper and injured others, including Malian civilians, MINUSMA personnel, and members of the French forces. |
6 April 2018 SC/13283 | This was a press statement condemning an attack against a MINUSMA vehicle in Gao, which caused the death of a Nigerien peacekeeper. |
5 April 2018 SC/13281 | This was a press statement condemning the attack against a MINUSMA camp in Aguelhok, which caused the death of two Chadian peacekeepers and injured ten others. |
28 February 2018 SC/13232 | This was a press statement condemning the attack against a MINUSMA convoy in the region of Mopti, which caused the death of four Bangladeshi peacekeepers and injured others. |
26 January 2018 SC/13184 | This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attack against a bus transporting civilians, which took place near Boni, in the centre of Mali, and which resulted in the death of 26 people from Mali and Burkina Faso, including children. |
24 January 2018 SC/13177 | This was a press statement welcoming the renewed commitment of the government of Mali and the coalitions of armed groups to the expeditious implementation of all of their remaining obligations under the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali by the end of March 2018. |
24 November 2017 SC/13087 | This statement condemned the attack against a MINUSMA detachment in the region of Ménaka, which caused the death of at least three Nigerien peacekeepers, at least one Malian soldier, and injured other peacekeepers. |
24 November 2017 SC/13090 | This statement condemned the attack against a MINUSMA convoy in the region of Mopti, which caused the death of at least one Burkinabé peacekeeper and injured others. |
26 October 2017 SC/13044 | This statement condemned the attack against a MINUSMA convoy on the road between Tessalit and Aguelhok, which caused the death of three Chadian peacekeepers and injured two others. |
6 October 2017 SC/13019 | Council members expressed their deep concern over the persistent delays in the full implementation of key provisions of the 2015 Peace and Reconciliation Agreement and urged the parties to adopt without delay an agreed-upon chronogram for its implementation. |
25 September 2017 SC/13006 | This condemned the attack against a MINUSMA convoy in the region of Gao, which caused the death of three Bangladeshi peacekeepers and injured four others. |
6 September 2017 SC/12980 | This condemned an attack against MINUSMA near Aguelhoc, which killed two Chadian peacekeepers and injured two others. |
14 August 2017 SC/12954 | This was a statement on the terrorist attack against the MINUSMA camps in Douentza, Mali. |
23 May 2017 SC/12837 | This condemned the terrorist attack near Aguelhoc, which caused the death of two Chadian peacekeepers and injured another. |