UN Documents for Mali: Security Council Press Statements
Security Council Press Statements | Return to full list |
16 October 2020 SC/14330 | This was a Council press statement condemning in the strongest terms the 15 October attack against MINUSMA in Kidal region through an explosive device, which killed one peacekeeper from Egypt and seriously injured one other, as well as the attack against a MINUSMA integrated camp in Timbuktu, which injured at least one peacekeeper from Burkina Faso. |
19 August 2020 SC/14279 | This press statement strongly condemned the mutiny which happened in Kati, Mali, on 18 August 2020, and subsequent arrest of the Mali's president and other government officials. |
14 June 2020 SC/14213 | This was a press statement, condemning an attack on a MINSUMA convoy that killed two peacekeepers from Egypt. |
11 May 2020 SC/14181 | This press statement condemned the 10 May attack against a MINUSMA convoy in Aguelhoc, in which three peacekeepers from Chad were killed and four others injured. |
17 January 2020 SC/14083 | This press statement noted some progress in the implementation of the 2015 Mali Peace and Reconciliation Agreement but expressed serious concern about the delays in the implementation of many of its substantive provisions. |
9 October 2019 SC/13981 | This press statement was on the implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali and the overall security situation. |
19 May 2019 SC/13813 | This condemned the attacks against MINUSMA vehicles in Timbuktu and Tessalit, in which a peacekeeper from Nigeria was killed and several others were injured. |
22 April 2019 SC/13789 | Council members condemned the attack perpetrated on 20 April against a convoy of MINUSMA between Douentza and Boni (region of Mopti), which resulted in one peacekeeper from Egypt killed and four others injured. |
23 February 2019 SC/13714 | This condemned the attack in which three Guinean peacekeepers were killed near Siby (region of Bamako). |
25 January 2019 SC/13678 | Council members condemned the attack perpetrated against a MINUSMA convoy near Douentza (region of Mopti), which resulted in two peacekeepers from Sri Lanka killed and several others injured. |
20 January 2019 SC/13672 | Council members condemned an attack against the MINUSMA camp in Aguelhok, which resulted in 10 peacekeepers from Chad killed and several others injured. |
16 January 2019 SC/13667 | Council members issued a press statement on the progress of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali. |
27 October 2018 SC/13557 | Council members issued a press statement condemning the attacks that same day against a convoy of MINUSMA near the town of Konna, which resulted in two peacekeepers from Burkina Faso killed and several from Burkina Faso and Togo injured. |
19 October 2018 SC/13547 | Council members issued a press statement commending the 15 October signing of a pact for peace between the government of Mali and the UN. |
24 August 2018 SC/13464 | This was a press statement welcoming the publication of the final results of the presidential elections in Mali. |