UN Security Council Presidential Statements

Security Council Presidential Statements View full list
14 September 2016 S/PRST/2016/14 This was a presidential statement calling on the international community to continue its civilian and development efforts to assist Afghanistan, ahead of the 5 October 2016 Brussels Conference hosted by Afghanistan and the EU.
19 August 2016 S/PRST/2016/13 This was a presidential statement that welcomed the meeting of Somalia’s NLF on the implementation of the 2016 National Electoral Process and regretted the delayed electoral timetable.
28 July 2016 S/PRST/2016/11 This was a presidential statement reflecting the range of issues discussed during the meeting on UNOWAS.
28 July 2016 S/PRST/2016/12 This was a presidential statement on peacebuilding.
22 July 2016 S/PRST/2016/10 This was a presidential statement that stressed the importance of Lebanon's electing a president by May 2017 in order to maintain stability.
15 June 2016 S/PRST/2016/9 This was a presidential statement on the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution in Africa.
24 May 2016 S/PRST/2016/8 This was a presidential statement on Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations in maintaining international peace and security.
13 May 2016 S/PRST/2016/7 This was a presidential statement welcoming Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s initiative to convene a high-level Regional Security Summit to evaluate the regional response to Boko Haram.
11 May 2016 S/PRST/2016/6 This was a presidential statement focusing on countering the narratives and ideologies of terrorism.
26 April 2016 S/PRST/2016/4 This was a presidential statement which encouraged regional states, regional organisations and international partners to make fully operational the Gulf of Guinea counter-piracy mechanisms as soon as possible.
25 April 2016 S/PRST/2016/5 This presidential statement welcomed the launch of peace talks that started on 21 April 2016 in Kuwait and requested the Secretary-General to provide a plan on how the Special Envoy’s office can further support the Yemeni parties.
7 April 2016 S/PRST/2016/3 This indicated the Council's intention to assess progress by 30 April on steps taken by the parties as outlined by the Council in its 17 March presidential statement.
31 March 2016 S/PRST/2016/2 This was a presidential statement on conflict prevention in the region.
17 March 2016 S/PRST/2016/1 This statement called on the parties to take certain measures and indicated that the Council would review progress by 31 March.
31 December 2015 S/PRST/2015/26 This underscored the importance of sustained cooperation among the Council, the Secretariat, and troop- and police-contributing countries on peacekeeping.