UN Documents for Lake Chad Basin: Security Council Presidential Statements
Security Council Presidential Statements | Return to full list |
9 August 2017 S/PRST/2017/14 | This was on the threat of famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and north-east Nigeria. |
13 May 2016 S/PRST/2016/7 | This was a presidential statement welcoming Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s initiative to convene a high-level Regional Security Summit to evaluate the regional response to Boko Haram. |
28 July 2015 S/PRST/2015/14 | This was a presidential statement commending Lake Chad Basin Commission members and Benin for their efforts to operationalise the MNJTF. |
19 January 2015 S/PRST/2015/4 | This was a presidential statement condemning attacks by Boko Haram, highlighting the group’s use of children as suicide bombers on 10 and 11 January and Boko Haram’s attack on the town of Baga, Nigeria from 3 to 7 January. |
10 December 2014 S/PRST/2014/25 | This was a presidential statement expressing concern at the grave security situation in parts of Central Africa, including the expansion of Boko Haram activity. |