UN Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records View full list
16 February 1946 S/PV.23 This was a meeting where the USSR vetoed a draft resolution regarding the withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon and Syria and where the UK and France abstained "without prejudice to the question whether a dispute exists".
14 February 1946 S/PV.19 During this meeting, article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) was raised on the Lebanon-Syria case.
6 February 1946 S/PV.10 During this meeting, the drafts resolutions which were previously introduced and led to a discussion of article 27 (3) of the UN Charter (obligatory abstention) were withdrawn in favour of a statement by the President of the Council summarising the proceedings.
5 February 1946 S/PV.8 This was a meeting on the Greek question on which article 27 (3) of the UN Charter was raised during the previous meeting (S/PV.7).
4 February 1946 S/PV.7 During this meeting, the Netherlands asked whether the parties to the dispute shall vote in the matter, referencing article 27 (3) of the UN Charter.
28 January 1946 S/PV.3 This was the first time article 27 (3) of the UN Charter was raised by a member of the Security Council.