UN Documents for Somalia: Human Rights Council Documents
Human Rights Council Documents | Return to full list |
28 September 2018 A/HRC/RES/39/23 | The Human Rights Council adopted without a vote a resolution on assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights. |
19 July 2018 A/HRC/39/72 | This was the report of the independent expert on human rights in Somalia. |
13 April 2016 A/HRC/32/12 | This was the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review on Somalia. |
2 October 2015 A/HRC/RES/30/20 | This was a resolution on assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights. |
29 September 2015 A/HRC/30/57 | The Human Rights Council considered the report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Bahame Nyanduga, during its 30th session in September. |
4 September 2014 A/HRC/27/71 | This was a report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights in Somalia. |
8 January 2014 A/HRC/25/45 | This was a summary of the key conclusions of the September high-level interactive dialogue on Somalia. |
8 January 2014 A/HRC/25/45 | This was a summary of the key conclusions of the September high-level interactive dialogue on Somalia. |
30 August 2013 A/HRC/24/40/Corr.1 | This was a corrigendum to the report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia. |
16 August 2013 A/HRC/24/40 | This was a report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Shamsul Bari. |
1 July 2013 A/HRC/24/45/Add.2 | This report concerned a mission to Somalia on 8-14 December 2012 by the Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries. |
1 July 2013 A/HRC/24/45/Add.2 | This was a report of a mission to Somalia of the the Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination. |
28 June 2013 A/HRC/DEC/23/114 | This report concerned assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights. |
6 July 2012 A/HRC/RES/20/21 | This was a Human Right Council resolution that adopted without a vote, strongly condemned grave and systematic human rights abuses committed against the population, in particular by Al-Shabaab and its affiliates, and called for all parties to take immediate steps to protect women and children. |
23 March 2012 A/HRC/RES/19/28 | This was an HRC resolution on Somalia. |