UN General Assembly Documents

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24 October 1970 A/RES/2625 (XXV) This was the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
13 October 1970 A/RES/2622 (XXV) This resolution admitted Fiji as a member of the UN.
12 November 1968 A/RES/2384 (XXIII) This resolution admitted Guinea as a member of the UN.
24 September 1968 A/RES/2376 (XXIII) This resolution admitted Swaziland as a a member of the UN.
24 April 1968 A/RES/2371 (XXII) This resolution admitted Mauritius as a member of the UN.
14 December 1967 A/RES/2310 (XXII) This resolution admitted Democratic Yemen (the People's Republic of Southern Yemen) as a member of the UN.
9 December 1966 A/RES/2175 (XXI) This resolution admitted Barbados as a member of the UN.
2 December 1966 A/RES/2161 (XXI) This resolution renewed the appointment of U Thant.
1 November 1966 A/RES/2147 (XXI) This resolution briefly extended the appointment of U Thant.
17 October 1966 A/RES/2136 (XXI) This resolution admitted Botswana as a member of the UN.
17 October 1966 A/RES/2137 (XXI) This resolution admitted Lesotho as a member of the UN.
20 September 1966 A/RES/2133 (XXI) This resolution admitted Guyana as a member of the UN.
18 December 1965 A/RES/2077 (XX) This resolution called upon states to respect the sovereignty, unity independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.
19 November 1965 A/RES/2028 (XX) This resolution contained guidelines for the negotiation of a treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.
21 September 1965 A/RES/2009 (XX) This resolution admitted Maldives (the Maldive Islands) as a member of the UN.