UN Documents for Sierra Leone: General Assembly Documents
General Assembly Documents | Return to full list |
21 June 2012 A/66/PV.117 | At this meeting the General Assembly endorsed the recommendations of the Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions to allow the utilisation of the subvention amount to the SCSL beyond 31 July 2012. |
24 May 2012 GA/AB/4032 | At this meeting the General Assembly’s Fifth Committee discussed the subvention to the SCSL. |
24 December 2011 A/RES/66/247 | This resolution authorised the Secretary-General to commit a sum of no more than $9.06 million to the SCSL in the budget for the biennium 2012-2013. |
27 September 1961 A/RES/1623 (XVI) | This resolution admitted Sierra Leone as a member of the UN. |