November 2016 Monthly Forecast

Posted 28 October 2016
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Notable Dates

 Reports Due  Reports for Consideration in November
 20 September Humanitarian Coordinator’s report on Somalia (S/2016/827) S/RES/2244
 7 October  SG report on piracy off the coast of Somalia (S/2016/843) S/RES/2246
 12 October  SG report on UNISFA (Abyei) (S/2016/864) S/RES/2287
 15 October  Monitoring Group report on Somalia S/RES/2244
 15 October  Monitoring Group report on Eritrea S/RES/2244
 20 October SG report on the implementation of resolution 1559 (Lebanon) S/RES/1559
 24 October SG report on Iraq/Kuwait missing persons and property S/RES/1284
 25 October SG report on UNAMI (Iraq) S/RES/2299 
 27 October OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syria chemical weapons) S/RES/2118
 28 October SG report on UNMIK (Kosovo) S/RES/1244
1 November  High Representative’s report on Bosnia and Herzegovina S/RES/2247
 4 November SG report on UNIFIL (Lebanon) S/RES/2305
 10 November SG report on UNMISS (South Sudan) S/RES/2304
 16 November SG report on the humanitarian situation in Syria S/RES/2139
 Mandates Expire
 10 November Authorisation for EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina S/RES/2247
 10 November Authorisation of anti-piracy measures in Somalia S/RES/2246
 15 November UNISFA (Abyei) S/RES/2287
15 November Somalia and Eritrea sanctions and Monitoring Group (Monitoring Group expires in December, but will likely be renewed in November) S/RES/2244


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