Senegal will have the presidency of the Council in November. Read more
Status Update
Recent developments on situations covered in this Forecast are in the relevant briefs. Interesting developments on other issues are included in this Status Update of Security Council activity in October 2016. Read more
Notable Dates
Notable Dates for November Read more
In Hindsight: A New Process for Selecting a New Secretary-General
On 13 October, António Guterres was appointed as the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations. The General Assembly has appointed eight other Secretaries-General, but the road to this decision was a very different one from previous years, when the selection of the Secretary-General was opaque and tightly controlled by the permanent members. This time, active involvement of civil society and members of the General Assembly in insisting on greater transparency and a more clearly defined selection process led to substantial changes that allowed both the General Assembly and elected members of the Security Council to play significant roles in the process. Read more
In November, the Security Council is expected to undertake a visiting mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The Council will also be briefed by the Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region, Said Djinnit, followed by consultations, on the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework Agreement (PSC Framework) and other developments in the region. Read more
Sudan/South Sudan
In November, members of the Security Council will hold consultations on the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) and on Sudan/South Sudan issues more generally. The Council expects to renew the mandate of UNISFA prior to its 15 November expiration Read more
Peace Operations
In November, Council members will hold three meetings to discuss its work in mandating and overseeing peace operations. These include an open debate on the challenges of asymmetric threats to peace operations; a debate on UN-AU cooperation; and a briefing on UN policing. Read more
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In November, the Council is expected to hold its semi-annual debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and to renew the authorisation of the EU-led multinational stabilisation force (EUFOR ALTHEA). High Representative Valentin Inzko is expected to brief on his office’s latest report to the Council. Read more
Council members expect to receive the regular monthly briefings on the political, humanitarian and chemical weapons tracks but could not rule out other activity, given the urgent nature of the Syrian crisis. It was unclear if the mandate of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism, the body instructed to determine responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in Syria, would be renewed prior to its expiry on 31 October. Read more
Somalia and Eritrea
In November, the Council is expected to adopt a resolution on Somalia and Eritrea sanctions that will address the partial lifting of the arms embargo, authorisation for maritime interdiction of illicit arms imports and charcoal exports, and the humanitarian exemption, which all expire in November. The 120-day briefing by the chair of the 751/1901 Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee, Rafael Darío Ramírez Carreño (Venezuela), is expected, and the final reports of the Monitoring Group are due. The mandate review of the monitoring group is also due in November. Finally, the Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution renewing counter-piracy measures. Read more
Expected Council Action In November, Special Representative Ján Kubiš will brief the Council on the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and provide an update on the campaign to retake Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant... Read more
In November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda will deliver her semi-annual briefing on recent developments concerning cases in Libya. Read more
In November, Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag and a representative of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations will brief Council members in consultations on the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701, which called for a cessation of hostilities between the Shi’a militant group Hezbollah and Israel in 2006. The Council will also receive the semi-annual briefing on the latest report on the implementation of resolution 1559. Read more
DPRK (North Korea)
In November, the chair of the 1718 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Román Oyarzun (Spain), is due to brief Council members in consultations on the Committee’s work. In addition, it is possible that the Council will adopt a resolution in response to the DPRK’s 9 September nuclear test. Read more
In November, the Council is expected to hold its quarterly briefing on Kosovo. Zahir Tanin, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), will brief on recent developments and the latest Secretary-General’s report. Serbia will probably participate at a high level, while Kosovo is likely to be represented by its ambassador to the US. Read more
South Sudan
In November, the Council is scheduled to hold a briefing, followed by consultations, on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and on the work of the South Sudan Sanctions Committee. It will consider the Secretary-General’s monthly assessment, called for in resolution 2304, on the deployment and future requirements of the Regional Protection Force (RPF), on obstacles to setting up the force and on impediments to UNMISS in carrying out its mandate. The Council will also consider the Secretary-General’s 90-day report on the implementation of the UNMISS mandate, which expires on 15 December, and the interim report of the Panel of Experts of the Sanctions Committee. Read more
In November, the Council will be briefed by the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser, Jamal Benomar, on his recent meetings in the region and on the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in Burundi. Read more