May 2007 Monthly Forecast

Posted 27 April 2007
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Notable Dates

Important Dates over the Horizon

Reports Due for Consideration in May

Relevant Document 

24 April

SG quarterly report on UNMIN (UN Mission in Nepal)


late April

SG semi-annual report on resolution 1559 (Lebanon/Syria), delayed from 19 April


30 April

SG regular report on UNMEE (UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea)


9 May

SG regular report on BINUB (UN Integrated Office in Burundi)


15 May

SG report on the UN’s new role in Côte d’Ivoire


23 May

IAEA report on Iran


late May

SG report on UNIOSIL’s post-election role (UN Integrated Office in Sierra Leone)


31 May

SG monthly report on Darfur


May 2007                       

Mandates Expire  

Relevant Document

15 May

MONUC (UN Mission in the DRC)


May 2007

Other Important Dates

2-3 May

Launch of the International Compact for Iraq in Egypt, with participation of the Secretary-General                   

3 -4 May

Egypt will host on international conference on the situation in Iraq attended by the P5, G8 and Iraq’s neighbours (possibly including Iran).

8 May

Run-off presidential elections in Timor-Leste

9 May

PBC country-specific meeting on Sierra Leone

14-26 May

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, will be travelling the Great Lakes region (DRC, Burundi and Rwanda)

18 May

EU-Russia Summit

Also expected in May:

  • The Council is expected to receive its semi-annual briefing from the 1373 (Counter-terrorism), the 1267 (Al-Qaida/Taliban), and the 1540 Committees.
  • Human Rights Council elections are scheduled for May and its fifth session is scheduled for 11-18 June.
  • The Council is expected to receive recommendations from its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict regarding children affected by conflict in Sri Lanka and Nepal.

Important Dates over the Horizon

  • A Council open debate on Protection of Civilians is expected in June.
  • The Special Court for Sierra Leone has reported that Charles Taylor’s trial at The Hague will begin in June.
  • Election of Nepal’s constituent assembly is scheduled for mid-June but may possibly be delayed.
  • A Somali national reconciliation congress in Mogadishu is being planned for mid-June, postponed from 16 April.
  • Presidential and legislative elections in Sierra Leone are expected 28 July.
  • Parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste are yet to be scheduled but the inauguration of the government is expected by September.
  • There are media reports that the Nabih Berri will convene the Lebanese parliament on 25 September to elect a new president.
  • The Secretary-General’s next reports on the thematic issues of Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict and Women, Peace & Security are expected by October.
  • Local elections in the DRC are expected in the second half of 2007.
  • Parliamentary elections in Kosovo are expected in late 2007.
  • A workshop on security sector reform, a joint initiative of Slovakia and South Africa, is being planned for later in 2007 in Africa.
  • Presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire are now expected by January 2008, postponed from 31 October.

Full forecast


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