May 2006 Monthly Forecast

Posted 27 April 2006
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Sierra Leone

Expected Council Action
By 30 April, the Council is due to receive the first regular report of the Secretary-General on the UN Integrated Office for Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL). The Secretary-General’s Executive Representative in Sierra Leone, Victor da Silva Ângelo, is expected to brief the Council in the first week of May. As reported in our April Forecast, there may be some preliminary discussion of the potential for the new Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) to assist Sierra Leone. There is support among members for ensuring that international attention does not decrease in post-conflict situations considered to be a success in Africa, and it is possible that this will be reflected in a presidential statement or a press statement.  Formal action relating to the PBC is not expected.

A resolution facilitating a shift of the venue of Charles Taylor’s trial from Freetown to The Hague seems likely. As reported in our Update Report on 7 April, the Special Court for Sierra Leone will likely try Taylor in the premises of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Key Facts
Following the completion of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), UNIOSIL started operating on 1 January. The UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has provided security for the Special Court since UNAMSIL completed its operations.

In April, the Council focused attention on the request that the venue of Charles Taylor’s trial should be shifted to The Hague. After some initial controversy regarding the adoption of the resolution under Chapter VII, as well as on the place of the references to the ICC in the text of the resolution, agreement is now close on all of the technical issues.

Difficulties remain with finding a state willing to receive Taylor after the trial, which was one of the preconditions that the Netherlands expressed in a 3 April letter for allowing the trial to be conducted in Dutch territory. The issue is not a precondition for Council action, and it seems that there is growing support in the Council for adopting the resolution in early May even if the outcome on that question remains uncertain.

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UN Documents

 Selected Security Council Resolutions
  • S/RES/1638 (11 November 2005) mandated UNMIL to apprehend Taylor.
  • S/RES/1626 (19 September 2005) mandated UNMIL to provide security for the Special Court. 
  • S/RES/1620 (31 August 2005) established UNIOSIL.
  • S/RES/1315 (14 August 2000) called for the Special Court.
 Selected Presidential Statement
  • S/PRST/2005/63 (20 December 2005) marked the end of UNAMSIL’s mandate.
 Selected Secretary-General’s Reports
  • S/2005/777 (12 December 2005) was UNAMSIL’s end of mandate report.
  • S/2005/273 (26 April 2005) and Add. 1 (21 June 2005) and 2 (28 July 2005) recommended UNIOSIL.
  • S/2000/915 (4 October 2000) detailed the Special Court.
 Selected Letter
  • S/2005/843 (30 December 2005) was the latest report of the Sanctions Committee.


For the historical background, please see our April 2006 Forecast Report.

Other Relevant Facts

 Executive Representative of the Secretary-General (also UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator)

 Victor da Silva Ângelo (Portugal)
 Size and Composition of Mission

 Strength as of 31 December 2005: 159 international staff; 228 local staff; ten military observers; twenty police; 83 UN Volunteers

 Resources requested for 2006: $23.3 million
 1 January 2006 to present

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