May 2006 Monthly Forecast

Posted 27 April 2006
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Notable Dates

See also  Important Dates over the Horizon

May 2006

Reports due for Consideration

Relevant Document

by 30 April

SG report on UNIOSIL (UN Integrated Office for Sierra Leone) (quarterly)


by late April/early May

SG report on MONUC (UN Organization Mission in the DRC) (quarterly)


by late April/early May

SG report on DDRRR in the DRC (delayed from 15 March)


in May

SG options for a UN operation in Darfur (delayed from 24 April)


28 May

Group of Experts Report to the 1572 Committee concerning Côte d’Ivoire


by 31 May SG Report on Darfur (monthly)


by late May/early June

SG report on UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) 


May 2006

Mandates Expire


12 May Monitoring Group of the 751 Committee concerning Somalia


15 May

UNMEE (UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea)


20 May

UNOTIL (UN Office in Timor-Leste)


May 2006 Other Important Dates
2 May

Meeting of the P5 and Germany on the Iran nuclear issue in Paris

3 May

Presidential elections in Chad

4 May

Fourth round of Kosovo status talks in Vienna

5 May

The German parliament is expected to vote and confirm its leadership of an EU mission to support June elections in the DRC.

9 May Members of the new Human Rights Council to be elected
9 May The Middle East Quartet to meet in New York

14 May

Haitian President-elect René Préval due to be installed subject to the finalisation of parliamentary election results.

Also expected:

  • The Georgian government is expected to present a proposal to its parliament for solving the Abkhaz conflict in mid-May.
  • The Ugandan government and the Core Group (US, UK, the Netherlands and Norway) are expected to adopt a Plan of Action for northern Uganda in mid-May.

Important Dates over the Horizon

  • A Council Mission to Sudan and Addis Ababa (and perhaps Abuja) is expected between 5-11 June.
  • A review of the mandate of the multinational force in Iraq is likely by 15 June; the mandate is set to expire on 31 December. (S/RES/1637)
  • UNIIIC’s mandate expires on 15 June and consideration of Lebanon/Syria is therefore expected. (S/RES/1644)
  • More detailed discussions on the appointment of a new Secretary-General are expected in June and July; the selection process is expected between September and November.
  • An open debate on Children and Armed Conflict is possible in July.
  • A major focus on Haiti in the Council is likely in August.
  • An open debate on Cooperation between the Council and Regional Organisations is possible in September.
  • The mandate of UNMIS expires on 24 September (S/RES/1663) and the mandate of AMIS expires on 30 September (S/2006/156).
  • Elections for the 2007-2009 members of the Security Council are expected in October.
  • The first annual report of the Peacebuilding Commission is due in December; it will be subject to a Council debate. (S/RES/1645 and 1646)

Full forecast


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