Chronology of Events

revised on 4 April 2014
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Sierra Leone

4 October 2006

The Sierra Leone parliament approved the composition of the National Human Rights Commission.

20 June 2006

Charles Taylor was transferred to the Netherlands to be tried in a special outpost of the Special Court for Sierra Leone located at the ICC.

29 March 2006

Charles Taylor was apprehended and surrendered to the Special Court.

1 January 2006

UN Integrated Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) started operating in Sierra Leone.

December 2005

UNAMSIL’s withdrawal was completed.

September 2005

The Council mandated the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to provide security for the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

June 2004

Trials began at the Special Court. The disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants concluded.

August 2003

Charles Taylor fled to Nigeria.

June 2003

Charles Taylor was indicted by the Special Court. The diamonds embargo expired.


Ahmad Tejan Kabbah was re-elected president.  UNAMSIL’s drawdown began.


Remaining Revolutionary United Front (RUF) fighters withdrew. Disarmament began. 

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