What's In Blue: Syria
This afternoon Council members will have their monthly briefing on emerging or significant issues by the Department of Political Affairs head, B. Lynn Pascoe. It seems the briefing was originally going to focus on the constitutional crisis in Nepal and...
On Thursday, 18 August, Security Council members are expecting a briefing during consultations from Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos and High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. It seems Amos is likely to brief the Council on humanitarian...
Tomorrow (10 August) Council members will be briefed on Syria by Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs Oscar Fernandez Taranco. This follows up the Council’s decision on 3 August in a presidential statement (S/PRST/2011/16) which requested the Secretary-General to update...
It seems possible that the Council may be able to agree on the substance of a text condemning the violence in Syria today. What is still uncertain is the form of the decision. It appears that it could be either...
Consultations on a possible resolution on the situation in Syria continue this morning at permanent representative level. At yesterday’s briefing by Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez Taranco, Council members were told that on top of 140 people reported killed in...
Council members will have consultations on Syria at 5 pm at permanent representative level where they will be briefed by Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez Taranco on the events in Syria over the weekend. The briefing was requested by Germany....
Tomorrow (28 July) Council members will receive their monthly briefing on emerging issues from DPA head, Lynn Pascoe. It seems that tomorrow’s briefing is likely to cover Pascoe’s recent visit to Egypt and Tunisia as well as provide updates on...
On Tuesday, 26 July, the Council will hold its quarterly open debate on the Middle East. It will be briefed by Robert Serry, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. It seems the stalemated peace process will be...
Tomorrow (14 July) the Council will be briefed by an official from the IAEA on the Syrian nuclear issue. On 9 June in Vienna the IAEA Board of Governors adopted a resolution expressing “serious concern” over “Syria’s lack of cooperation...
Tomorrow the Council is expected to adopt a resolution renewing UNDOF’s mandate, which expires on 30 June. The Council was scheduled to adopt it today (28 June) but differences over whether and how to address recent events seem to be...
This afternoon Council members will be briefed by Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez Taranco in closed consultations. This will be followed by discussions on a draft resolution on the situation in Syria. The resolution was circulated on 25 May by...
The escalation of the Syrian government’s suppression of public protests over the past weeks has led to increased pressure against Syria, including from a number of Council members. The UK and France seem interested in initiating a possible Council response...
Yesterday, (Wednesday, 27 April) having failed to reach consensus on a press statement on the situation in Syria, the Council held a public debate on the Middle East which enabled many members to put on record their concern about ongoing...
Council members are expecting a briefing on Syria in informal consultations today (Wednesday, 27 April) from B. Lynn Pascoe. Council members agreed yesterday that a more detailed briefing on Syria was needed following the Secretary-General’s briefing yesterday which covered Syria...
Council members are currently considering a draft press statement on Syria circulated this morning and are expected to give their comments on the draft by tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 26 April). It seems the key elements of the press statement include...