What's In Blue

Latest post: Thu 25 Jul 2024

Insights on the work of the UN Security Council

The Middle East, including the Palestinian Question: Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Gaza*

Tomorrow morning (26 July), the Security Council will hold a briefing on “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question”. Algeria, China, and Russia called for the meeting to discuss the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The expected briefers are Antonia Marie De Meo, Deputy Commissioner-General (Operational Support) of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)*, and Muhannad Hadi, Deputy Special Coordinator and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator at the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO).

Hadi is expected to provide an update on the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Among other issues, he might focus on the factors that are impeding the provision of aid at scale to Palestinians in need. A 24 July OCHA humanitarian response update says that several issues—such as insecurity, repeated displacement, the disruption of aid flows, the breakdown of law and order, and the denial of entry of critical items—have hindered the humanitarian response by the UN and its partners, including by hampering the movement of aid inside Gaza and hindering early detection of children and women requiring nutrition services. The update notes that denied items include mine action supplies, dignity and menstrual hygiene management kits, and assistive devices for persons with disabilities, and says that restrictions by the Israeli authorities on “the transport of shelter materials between northern and southern Gaza” have resulted in partners being unable to “cover needs as they arise”.

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