The endgame in the Council over Kosovo's final status is expected in June. At press time there have been two expert-level meetings on the draft resolution circulated by the EU5 (France, the UK, Italy, Belgium and Slovakia) and US. A decision in June seems inevitable, bringing to a conclusion the debate over the report released in March by Martti Ahtisaari, the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Future Status Process for Kosovo. Read more
Belgium will have the Council presidency in June which is traditionally a month with a very heavy work schedule for the Council. This year is no exception. Moreover, Council members have scheduled a mission to Africa with visits to the... Read more
Members expect the results of the Secretariat's consultations with Chad seeking consent to deploy a proposed UN peacekeeping operation in eastern Chad and in the Central African Republic (CAR). At press time, a briefing by Assistant Secretary-General Hédi Annabi on progress with consultations had been scheduled for 31 May. Read more
The Council is expected to adopt a resolution further expanding sanctions against Iran, in light of the 23 May report of the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohammed ElBaradei that Iran had not complied with resolution 1747. Read more
Darfur is likely to keep the Council extremely busy in June with: discussions on AU-UN proposals for a hybrid operation and Sudan's position; a Council mission to Africa, including Addis Ababa and Accra (Sudan has invited the mission to visit Khartoum); an interim report by the sanctions Panel of Experts; and a briefing by the International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo. Read more
International Criminal Tribunals
The Council in mid June will receive briefings from the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and for Rwanda (ICTR). By then, the Council should have received progress reports on the respective completion strategies of the ICTY and ICTR, due every six months. No substantive Council action is expected. Read more
Peacebuilding Commission
In June the Organisational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is expected to select a new chair and two vice-chairs. The PBC's annual report should be finalised by the end of the month, along with integrated peacebuilding strategies for Burundi and Sierra Leone. Read more
In June the Council will receive the Secretary-General's quarterly report on the UN Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau and a briefing by the Secretary-General's Representative in Guinea-Bissau, Shola Omoregie. The UNOGBIS mandate expires on 31 December. Read more
In June the Council will review the mandates of the Multinational Force (MNF), the Development Fund for Iraq and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board. There will be briefings by the US on MNF activities and by the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Iraq (the quarterly report of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) is due early in the month). The Council is expected to adopt a press statement or perhaps a presidential statement. Read more
The Secretary-General's next report on Cyprus is due by 1 June. The mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) expires on 15 June. The Council is expected to renew it for an additional six months. Significant Council action on the Cyprus situation remains unlikely. However, members may be keen to quietly encourage some intensification of action by the Secretary-General. Read more
Aide Memoire
Important matters pending before the Council include: The draft resolution on small arms circulated by Argentina in March 2006 seems to have lapsed. South Africa circulated a draft presidential statement in March 2007. After disappearing in January and February, the issue has... Read more
UNDOF (Golan)
In June, the Council is expected to continue its usual practice and extend for six months the mandate of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights. It expires on 30 June. In renewing the mandate, the Council traditionally calls for implementation of resolution 338 of 22 October 1973, which refers to resolution 242 of 22 November 1967 calling for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from occupied territories. Read more
In late June the Secretary-General is expected to report on progress with Somalia's national reconciliation process, including a broad ceasefire. The reconciliation congress is currently scheduled for mid-June, but it is unclear whether it will be held. The report will also discuss contingency planning for a possible UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia, but Council action on that seems unlikely at this stage. Read more
Côte d’Ivoire
The Council plans to visit Côte d'Ivoire on 19 June as part of a regional trip for relationship-building with regional organisations, in particular the African Union. In late June the Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) which expires on 30 June. Read more
The Council awaits the Secretary-General's quarterly report on the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). Resolution 1750 renewed UNMIL's mandate until 30 September. This interim report is expected to propose a drawdown plan, including "specific recommendations on force levels and options". Read more
In June, recommendations from the Secretary-General on improved monitoring of the Syria-Lebanon border and a report on implementation of resolution 1701 are expected to be discussed. In addition, the issue of Sheb'a Farms is likely to be high on the agenda. Recommendations are expected in the 1701 report, together with a geographical definition of the area. Read more
Notable Dates
Notable dates for June 2007. Read more
Status Update
Status Update of Security Council Activity in May 2007. Read more