November 2007 Monthly Forecast

Posted 30 October 2007
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Notable Dates

Reports Due for Consideration in November

Document Requesting Report

29 October

SG report on the implementation of resolution 1701, including UNIFIL (every four months) 


29 October

SG report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict 


29 October

SG report on Conflict Prevention and Resolution, particularly in Africa and on further options for the implementation of resolution 1625 


31 October

SG report on the UN Assistance Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) on operational capacity and progress on implementation   


31 October

SG quarterly report on the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)


late Oct/early Nov 

SG report on Somalia 


early November

High Representative’s report on EU Force Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUFOR)


15 November

SG report with benchmarks for the drawdown of the UN Mission in the DRC (MONUC)



SG assessment report on the UN Integrated Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL), delayed from mid-August


27 November 

Commissioner’s report on the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) regarding Lebanon (every four months)


November 2007                       

Mandates Expire  

Documents Requesting Report

21 November



November 2007

Other Important Dates

2-3 November 

The next meeting of Iraq’s neighbours will be held in Istanbul, at the ministerial-level.  There are media reports that the US is proposing a tripartite committee of the US, Turkey and Iraq to defuse current border tensions between Iraq and Turkey.

7-8 November 

South Africa and Slovakia are hosting a workshop on security sector reform in Cape Town. The Secretary-General’s report on this issue is expected in late November for Council consideration in December.  

12 November

A further meeting of the Lebanese parliament is expected to discuss election of a new president.

17 November  

Parliamentary elections are expected to be held in Kosovo.

20 November  

Myanmar will be an issue under discussion at the ASEAN summit.

22 November

A report from Mohammed ElBaradei on Iran is due to the IAEA and another report from EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana on Iran is due to the EU3+3.

Also expected in November:

  • The Council is expected to hold two open debates in November: one on cooperation between the Council and regional organisations is tentatively scheduled for 6 November and another on protection of civilians in armed conflict is expected in mid November.
  • The Council is expected to receive its semi-annual briefing from the 1373 (Counter-terrorism), the 1267 (Al-Qaida/Taliban), and the 1540 Committees.
  • Staffan de Mistura, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Iraq, is expected arrive in Iraq in early November.
  • Ibrahim Gambari, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, is expected to visit the country in early November.  Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Right in Myanmar, is expected to visit Myanmar in mid-November. 
  • The EU protection force authorised by resolution 1778 is expected to start deploying in Chad in November.
  • The Council is expected to undertake a mission to Timor-Leste in late November.
  • A US-initiated international meeting on peace in the Middle East is being planned for late November or early December.

 Important Dates over the Horizon

  • The third round of UN-sponsored talks on Western Sahara between Morocco and Frente Polisario are expected to resume, this time in Europe, by the end of the year, the venue and exact dates are yet to be determined.
  • The constituent assembly elections in Nepal have been postponed to an unspecified date and have been delayed twice from 22 November and 20 June.
  • The Council’s Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa is planning a seminar in early December in New York on global conflict prevention strategy in Africa.
  • The report of Kosovo’s Contact Group to the Secretary-General is due on 10 December.
  • Presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire are now expected in early 2008, postponed from 31 October.
  • Municipal and local elections in Sierra Leone are expected in May 2008.

Full forecast


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