Chronology of Events

revised on 30 January 2015
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LRA-affected areas

July 2011

On 21 July, the Council was briefed by the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs on the LRA in a private meeting. Following the meeting, the Council released a press statement commending the efforts taken by the militaries of the CAR, DRC, South Sudan and Uganda to address the LRA threat and welcoming the recent AU initiative proposing a range of activities to address the problem. The Council also asked the Secretary-General to report back to it in October on LRA-related developments, including an assessment of the threat posed by the group and regional and UN efforts to address it.

June 2011

On 30 June and 1 July, at the summit of heads of state held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the AU requested its Peace and Security Council to authorise a proposal by the defence and security ministers of CAR, DRC, Uganda and representatives from South Sudan for a regional task force, joint operations centre and joint co-ordination mechanism to address the LRA issue. On 28 June, the Council adopted resolution 1991 renewing the mandate of the Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO). The resolution contains language supporting MONUSCO’s efforts in assisting those resisting the LRA.

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