Notable Dates for February
Report Due | Reports for Consideration in February |
19 January | Final report of the 1591 Sudan Panel of Experts (S/2015/31) (S/RES/2138) |
19 January |
SG’s strategic assessment of UNIOGBIS (Guinea-Bissau) (S/2015/37) (S/RES/2157, S/2014/528 and S/2014/529) |
23 January | SG report on UNSOM (Somalia) (S/2015/51 (S/RES/2158) |
26 January | OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syrian chemical weapons) (S/RES/2118) |
30 January | SG report on UNAMI (Iraq) (S/RES/2169) |
30 January | SG report on UNMIK (Kosovo) (S/RES/1244) |
30 January | SG report on UNIOGBIS (Guinea-Bissau) (S/RES/2186) |
early February |
SG report on Iraq/Kuwait Missing Persons and Property S/RES/2107 (S/RES/1284) |
2 February |
SG report on UNISFA (Abyei) (S/RES/2179) |
17 February |
SG report on UNMISS (South Sudan) (S/RES/2187) |
19 February |
SG report on the humanitarian situation in Syria (S/RES/2139 and S/RES/2191) |
25 February |
Final report of the 2140 Yemen Panel of Experts (S/RES/2140) |
5 March | Final report of the 1718 DPRK Panel of Experts (S/RES/2141) |
Mandates Expire | |
28 February | UNIOGBIS (Guinea-Bissau) (S/RES/2186) |
28 February |
UNISFA (Abyei) (S/RES/2179) |
13 March |
1591 Sudan Panel of Experts (will likely be renewed in February) (S/RES/2138) |
26 February | 2140 Yemen sanctions and Panel of Experts (Panel of Experts’ mandate expires in March but will likely be renewed in February) (S/RES/2140) |