What's In Blue: Somalia
It appears that the Council is now scheduled to vote on Monday morning (24 October) on a Russian draft resolution on Somali piracy. As previously reported by What’s in Blue (14 October), the draft resolution apparently calls for additional measures...
It appears that the Council is now close to reaching agreement on a resolution calling for additional measures to strengthen prosecution of suspected pirates operating off the coast of Somalia. Council members have had several rounds of negotiations on a...
Tomorrow (29 September) the Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution that would re-authorise the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). It appears, however, that there is still no agreed text. A draft resolution was put under silence procedure last night,...
It appears that adoption of the resolution to renew the authorisation of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), scheduled for tomorrow (16 September), has been postponed following a formal request from the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC). It seems...
Tomorrow (September 14), during a public debate, the Council will be briefed on developments in Somalia and the Secretary-General’s latest report on Somalia by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative, Augustine Mahiga. Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, Special Representative of the...
This afternoon (9 August) the Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee will be meeting to discuss the recommendations in the report (S/2011/433) of the sanctions committee’s Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea. (On 29 July, in resolution 2002, the Council renewed...
Council members will continue their focus on the Horn of Africa on Wednesday, 10 August. Augustine Mahiga, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia is expected to brief Council members by video conference after which there will be Council consultations. It...
This afternoon, the Council is expected to adopt a resolution renewing the mandate of the Somalia/Eritrea Monitoring Group and requesting the Secretary-General to re-establish the Monitoring Group for another 12 months. The resolution is in blue and it has some...
The Council is expected to adopt a resolution by the end of this week renewing the mandate of the Somalia Monitoring Group for a further 12 months. The foreign minister of Eritrea was in New York over the past week...
This morning the Council is meeting in consultations to receive a briefing on the humanitarian situation in Somalia from John Ging, the director of coordination and response division of the Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). It is...
Yesterday (21 June) the UK circulated a draft presidential statement on Somalia to Council members. It appears the draft proposes that the Council should welcome the Kampala Accord of 9 June between the Somali president Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and...
On Wednesday, 15 June, the Secretary-General’s report on possible modalities for the establishment of anti-piracy courts (requested by the Council in resolution 1976 of 11 April) was circulated to Council members. A briefing on the report by Under- Secretary-General for...
Members of the Security Council and AU Peace and Security Council held a joint consultative meeting on 21 May in Addis Ababa. (These annual consultations alternate between the UN and the AU’s headquarters.) On the agenda were crisis situations, Libya,...
On Monday, 23 May, the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, will be briefing the Somalia Eritrea Sanctions Committee. This will be her second briefing to a sanctions committee. (Last year in June she briefed the DRC...
Council members met yesterday, 9 May, to discuss a draft presidential statement for tomorrow’s briefing on Somalia (apparently the UK circulated the draft to other Council members on Friday 6 May). It seems Council members were generally in agreement on...