What's In Blue: OPCW
Today (20 January), Russia will hold an open Arria-formula meeting titled “Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2118: OPCW Fact Finding Mission (FFM) Report on Douma”. It is rare for Russia to organise an Arria-formula meeting. Since the start of the...
Tomorrow (31 October), the mandate of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), the body mandated to determine responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in Syria, expires. The Council will vote on a resolution to extend the JIM for a...
Tomorrow afternoon (7 October), Acting UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo will brief Security Council members on the monthly report (S/2015/737) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. The...
Tomorrow morning (9 September), Acting UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo will brief Security Council members on the monthly report (S/2015/668) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. Kim...
Tomorrow afternoon (9 July), Acting UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo will brief Security Council members on the monthly report (S/2015/485) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. Council...
Tuesday (7 October), Sigrid Kaag, the former Special Coordinator of the recently concluded joint mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the UN, will brief Council members in consultations via video-teleconference. She will present the...
The Hague – On Monday (11 August), Council members focused on justice and accountability issues as they engaged with representatives of the various international legal institutions headquartered in The Hague. They also received an update on the work of the...