What's In Blue: Ebola
Tomorrow (25 June) Security Council members will have an active day on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). After the provisional 24-hour voting period, the Council will adopt a resolution in the afternoon renewing the measures under the 1533...
On Friday (2 August), the Security Council adopted a presidential statement on the outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The adoption of the statement took place amidst ongoing efforts to stem the spread of the...
On Wednesday, 31 July, Council members are scheduled to hold an informal interactive dialogue (IID) on the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Belgium, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, and South Africa requested this meeting....
Tomorrow morning (30 October), the Security Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution on the outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The resolution was initiated by Ethiopia, which worked in close cooperation with Sweden. Several...
On Thursday (13 August), the Council will meet on the global response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Ebola David Nabarro will...
Tomorrow (9 December), the Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution renewing sanctions measures on Liberia, which are due to expire on 12 December. The draft resolution was put in blue on 3 December, following one meeting at the expert...
This afternoon (21 November), the Security Council will hold a debate on Ebola chaired by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) Anthony Banbury, the Secretary-General’s Special...
This afternoon (14 October), the Council will receive a briefing on Ebola followed by consultations. Briefers will be Anthony Banbury, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), Hervé Ladsous, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping...
Tomorrow afternoon (18 September) the Security Council will hold an open debate on the Ebola crisis in West Africa with briefings from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; David Nabarro, the Senior UN System Coordinator for Ebola; Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the...