South Sudan

  • 16 September 2014

    Sudan-South Sudan Informal Interactive Dialogue

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (17 September), the Security Council expects to hold an informal interactive dialogue on Sudan-South Sudan issues with Thabo Mbeki, chair of the AU High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP). (Informal interactive dialogues are off-the-record meetings chaired by the Council President and...

  • Mogadishu and Nairobi – (13 August) Last night Council members ended their visiting mission to Europe and Africa. During the trip, Council members visited five countries in five days and met with three presidents and two prime ministers; several other...

  • Juba and Malakal— Yesterday (12 August), Council members traveled to South Sudan, where they had a full schedule of activities. The day included briefings from senior UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) officials, meetings with President Salva Kiir and the...

  • The Security Council is expected to issue a presidential statement today (8 August) on the political, security and humanitarian crisis gripping South Sudan. It appears the statement is designed to send a strong message of concern to the government of...

  • 5 August 2014

    South Sudan Briefing and Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (6 August), the Security Council is scheduled to hold a briefing, followed by consultations, on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), with Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Edmond Mulet expected to brief. As the Council is expected to...

  • August 2014

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    In early August, the Council is expected to hold a briefing, followed by consultations, on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) with Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Edmond Mulet expected to brief. The 25 July Secretary-General’s UNMISS report (S/2014/537) will serve as a basis for the discussion. South Sudan will also be a priority for the Council visiting mission to Africa planned for August. The mission’s mandate expires on 30 November. 

  • 15 July 2014

    Sudan-South Sudan Consultations

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (16 July), the Security Council is scheduled to hold its monthly consultations on Sudan-South Sudan. Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sudan and South Sudan Haile Menkerios (via videoconference) and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos are expected...

  • July 2014

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council expects to receive a report from the Secretary-General on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) by 25 July, which it will likely not discuss until early August. However, given the dire situation in South Sudan, it is possible that it may be discussed sometime during July, either in a stand-alone meeting or in the context of Sudan-South Sudan consultations.The mandate of UNMISS expires on 30 November. 

  • Tomorrow morning (27 June) the Security Council is planning to hold an informal interactive dialogue with Seyoum Mesfim, the chief mediator of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)-facilitated South Sudan peace talks in Addis Ababa. The informal interactive dialogue is...

  • 5 June 2014

    Annual Meeting with Members of the AU PSC

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (6 June), members of the Security Council and members of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) will hold their eighth annual consultative meeting. Security Council members and PSC members have held joint meetings since 2007, alternating between their...

  • June 2014

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    In June, the Council is expected to receive a briefing, likely in consultations, on the situation in South Sudan, in accordance with resolution 2132, which increased the military and police capacity of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to address the outbreak of violence following the 15 December 2013 crisis within the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). It is possible that the Council may hold other meetings on South Sudan during the month, depending on how events unfold on the ground. The mandate of UNMISS expires on 30 November.

  • This afternoon (27 May), the Security Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution revising the mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). While UNMISS does not expire until 15 July, Council members were keen to revise the mandate...

  • 7 May 2014

    South Sudan Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (8 May) afternoon Council members will receive a briefing in consultations on South Sudan. Briefers include Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous and Military Adviser Lt. Gen. Ahmed Maqsood from the Office of Military Affairs in the Department of...

  • Tomorrow (2 May) afternoon the Security Council is scheduled to hold a public briefing on South Sudan. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng are expected to...

  • May 2014

    South Sudan

    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Council is likely to receive a briefing in consultations in accordance with resolution 2132, which increased the force levels of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) soon after conflict erupted in South Sudan on 15 December 2013. It is possible that the Council will adopt a resolution reprioritising and revising the UNMISS mandate, drawing on recommendations in the Secretary-General’s 6 March report (S/2014/158).  At press time, an additional briefing was also anticipated on 2 May by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng on their recent trip to South Sudan. The mandate of UNMISS expires on 15 July.