Security Council Subsidiary Bodies

  • July 2006

    Update on Sanctions Committees

    Monthly Forecast

    In the month ahead, Council sanctions committees are expected to make progress on some of the recommendations of their expert panels, including the Somalia Monitoring Group, which issued a report on 4 May 2006; the Sudan Panel of Experts, which issued a report on 19 April 2006; the Al-Qaida/Taliban 1267 Sanctions Committee, which is due to send the Monitoring Team its report before the end of July; and the Democratic Republic of Congo Group of Experts.

  • March 2006

    Sanctions Committees

    Monthly Forecast

    Over the last sixty years, the Council has utilised this power to establish a very wide range of subsidiary bodies, including: committees, working groups, commissions, missions and international tribunals.

  • In December the Chairman of the Sanctions Committee created by resolution 1267 (Al-Qaida/Taliban), submitted two letters to the Security Council (S/2005/760 and S/2005/761).

  • The Security Council has finalised the appointments of its 2006 chairpersons to Council subsidiary bodies, sanctions committees and working groups on 4 January. Chairpersons for the Informal Working Group on General Issues related to Sanctions and for the Informal Working Group on Documentation and other Procedural Issues was agreed on 31 January.

  • November 2005

    Security Council Subsidiary Bodies

    Monthly Forecast

    The chairmen of the Sanctions Committees on Al-Qaida/Taliban, Liberia and Somalia have recently outlined significant problems besetting the effective implementation of the sanctions measures, including evidence of significant sanctions violations by states, groups and individuals. In light of these reports, the Council has renewed the relevant sanctions measures and broadened the mandates of committees and their experts for monitoring the implementation of the sanctions.