Post-Conflict Stabilisation, including DDR and SSR
A presidential statement for the debate on “post-conflict peacebuilding: institution building” is expected to be put under silence procedure today. Council members met last Friday and then again yesterday to discuss the substance of the statement drafted by Bosnia and...
Bosnia and Herzegovina has circulated a draft presidential statement for the open debate on “Post-conflict Peacebuilding: Institution Building” scheduled for 21 January. Council members will start discussions on the draft tomorrow morning. While most of the issues in the draft...
Turkey has indicated that as Council president in September it will call for a formal meeting of the Council on 23 September. It has proposed that this be at the level of heads of state and government.
On 22 July the Council will consider the Secretary-General’s report on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict which was circulated on 11 June. The meeting will be chaired by the foreign minister of Uganda (president of the Council for July), Sam Kutesa.
On 20 May, the Council will take up a new British initiative on securing peace in post-conflict situations, which was launched by Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the Security Council on 16 April 2008.
The Council is expected to take up the Secretary-General’s 23 January report on security sector reform (SSR) in May. A public meeting is planned at which several speakers are expected, including possibly the Secretary-General and Slovakian Ambassador Peter Burian.
The Security Council will hold an open debate on security sector reform (SSR) on 20 February. Slovakia holds the presidency and the debate will be chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ján Kubiš.