Conflict Prevention and Mediation

  • Tomorrow morning (14 June), the Security Council will hold a briefing on the implementation of resolution 2686 of 14 June 2023 on tolerance and international peace and security, which was co-penned by the UK and former Council member the United...

  • 12 March 2024

    Open Debate on Conflict Prevention

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (13 March), the Security Council will hold an open debate on “Promoting Conflict Prevention – Empowering All Actors Including Women and Youth” under the “Peacebuilding and sustaining peace” agenda item. Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo and...

  • Conflict prevention is at the core of the UN Charter. As Secretary-General António Guterres remarked during his swearing-in ceremony on 12 December 2016, “prevention is not a novel concept—it is what the founders of the UN asked us to do”.

  • March 2024

    Conflict Prevention

    Monthly Forecast

    In March, the Security Council will hold an open debate on “Promoting Conflict Prevention – Empowering All Actors Including Women and Youth”. Japan is organising the open debate as a signature event of its Council presidency. Briefings are expected by representatives of the UN Secretariat, academia, and civil society.

  • Tomorrow (20 October), the Security Council will hold an open debate on “Contributions of regional mechanisms for peace and security” under the “Maintenance of international peace and security” agenda item. One of the signature events of Brazil’s October presidency of...

  • In October, as one of the signature events of its presidency, Brazil is planning to convene a high-level open debate on “Peace through Dialogue: The Contribution of Regional, Sub-regional and Bilateral Arrangements to the Prevention and Peaceful Resolution of Disputes”.

  • Tomorrow (22 August), the Security Council will convene for a briefing on “Maintenance of international peace and security: promote common security through dialogue and cooperation”. This is one of the signature events of China’s Council presidency. The expected briefers are...

  • Tomorrow (13 January), Norway will convene a one-day Council president’s retreat in Manhasset, New York, on preventive diplomacy and mediation. Held under the Chatham House rule, the retreat aims to provide an informal platform for Council members to discuss how...

  • 15 November 2021

    Preventive Diplomacy: Open Debate*

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (16 November), the Security Council will hold an open debate on “Peace and security through preventive diplomacy: A common objective to all UN principal organs”, under the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security”. The expected briefers are...

  • Tomorrow (9 November), the Security Council will hold a high-level open debate on “Exclusion, inequality and conflict” under the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security”. One of the signature events of Mexico’s presidency, the meeting will be chaired...

  • In November, the Security Council will hold a high-level open debate on “Maintaining international peace and security: exclusion, inequality and conflict”. One of the signature events of Mexico’s presidency

  • November 2021

    Preventive Diplomacy

    Monthly Forecast

    In November, the Security Council is expected to hold an open debate on “Peace and security through preventive diplomacy: a common objective to all UN principal organs”. This is one of the signature events of Mexico’s November presidency. Briefings are expected from Abdulla Shahid, President of the General Assembly; Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); Joan E. Donoghue, President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ); and Secretary-General António Guterres. A presidential statement is a possible outcome.

  • On Tuesday (7 September), the Security Council will hold a briefing on the maintenance of international peace and security with The Elders, a non-governmental organisation of independent global leaders founded in 2007 by Nelson Mandela that strives to promote peace...

  • On Monday (19 April), as one of the signature events of its presidency, Viet Nam will convene a high-level open debate via videoconference on: “Enhancing Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional and Subregional Organizations in Enhancing Confidence-building and Dialogue...

  • 8 October 2020

    Arria-formula Meeting on Mediation

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (9 October), there will be a virtual Arria-formula meeting on mediation. Council members Belgium, Germany, Viet Nam and non-Council member Switzerland are jointly hosting the meeting. Council members, other UN member states, representatives of the Group of Friends of...