What's In Blue

Posted Thu 13 Jan 2011
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Insights on the Post-Conflict Institution Building Debate

Bosnia and Herzegovina has circulated a draft presidential statement for the open debate on “Post-conflict Peacebuilding: Institution Building” scheduled for 21 January. Council members will start discussions on the draft tomorrow morning.

While most of the issues in the draft presidential statement have been covered in other presidential statements on this issue, this statement places greater emphasis on national ownership; greater coordination between the UN and the international community; and touches on the advisory role of the PBC in the context of post-conflict peacebuilding.

A concept paper for the debate has also been circulated to Council members and is expected to be published as a UN document tomorrow. The paper suggests that during the debate the Council address issues related to how the Council can more effectively take take into account the process of institution building when preparing for a new peacekeeping mision; ways the international community can be better coordinated in building upon existing national capacities; and ways of developing a more integrated approach to insitutiton building processes within the UN system. Another suggested area of discussion is how the advisory role of the PBC could be used in developing a more integrated approach of the UN system in institution building.

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