May 2022 Monthly Forecast

Posted 29 April 2022
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In May, the US will hold the presidency of the Security Council.

The US plans to organise two signature events. The first signature event is a briefing on conflict and food security under the agenda item maintenance of international peace and security. The second signature event is a briefing on technology and security under the same agenda item.

In May, the Security Council is expected to hold its annual open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict based on the Secretary-General’s annual report on this issue.

African issues on the programme of work in May are:

  • Libya, briefing and consultations on the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and briefing by the Chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee;
  • Sahel, briefing and consultations on the G-5 Sahel;
  • Somalia, briefing and consultations on the UN Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and renewal of the UNSOM mandate;
  • Sudan/South Sudan, mandate renewal of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA);
  • Sudan, briefing and consultations on the UN Integrated Transitional Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS); and
  • South Sudan, renewal of the 2206 South Sudan Sanctions regime and the Panel of Experts.

Middle East issues on the programme include:

  • Syria, meetings on the political, humanitarian and chemical weapons tracks;
  • Yemen, monthly meeting on developments;
  • Iraq, briefing and consultations on the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) and the UNAMI mandate renewal;
  • Lebanon, consultations on the Secretary-General’s 1559 report; and
  • Middle East, including the Palestinian question, the monthly meeting.

The Council is expected to meet on two European issues this month. A briefing on the situation in Ukraine with particular focus on the protection of civilians is anticipated. Additional meetings on Ukraine may also be scheduled. The semi-annual debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina is expected to take place as well.

In terms of Asian issues, Council members are expected to receive a regular briefing in consultations on the work of the 1718 DPRK sanctions committee.

The US intends to convene an informal meeting on peacekeeping performance and accountability to follow up on the implementation of resolution 2436 of 21 September 2018.

Other issues could be raised in April depending on developments, including Ethiopia and Myanmar, among others.


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