Notable Dates
Report Due | Reports for Consideration in April |
15 March | SG report on MINUSTAH (Haiti) S/RES/2313 |
24 March | SG report on UNAMID (Darfur) S/RES/2296 |
24 March | SG report on Colombia S/RES/2261 |
28 March | OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syrian chemical weapons) S/RES/2118 |
29 March | SG report on MINUSMA (Mali) S/RES/2295 |
31 April | SG report on strategic review of UNISFA (Abyei) S/RES/2318 |
7 April | SG report on MINURSO (Western Sahara) S/RES/2285 |
12 April | SG report on UNSMIL S/RES/2323 |
13 April | SG report on UNISFA (Abyei) S/RES/2318 |
20 April | SG report on the humanitarian situation in Syria S/RES/2139 |
Mandates Expire | |
15 April | MINUSTAH (Haiti) S/RES/2313 |
30 April | MINURSO (Western Sahara) S/RES/2285 |