October 2014 Monthly Forecast

Posted 30 September 2014
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Notable Dates for October

Report Due Reports for Consideration in October
20 September UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia report (S/2014/655) (S/RES/2111)
24 September SG report on UNMISS (South Sudan) (S/RES/2155)
24 September SG report on the implementation of resolution 1325 (women, peace and security) (S/2014/693)(S/PRST/2012/23)
22 September SG report on MINUSMA (Mali) (S/2014/692)(S/RES/2164)
25 September SG report on UNSOM (Somalia) (S/2014/699) (S/RES/2158)
26 September SG report on MONUSCO (DRC) (S/RES/2147)
26 September SG report on the PSC Framework for the DRC and the Region (S/RES/2147)
26 September OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syrian chemical weapons)(S/RES/2118)
30 September SG report on UNISFA (Abyei) (S/RES/2156)
7 October SG report on the implementation of resolution 1559 (Lebanon) (S/PRST/2004/36 and S/RES/1559)
8 October Final Reports of the Monitoring Group for the 751/1907 Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee (separate reports on Eritrea and Somalia) (S/RES/2111)
15 October Group of Experts mid-term report to the 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Sanctions Committee (S/RES/2153)
17 October SG report on piracy off the coast of Somalia (S/RES/2125)
23 October SG report on humanitarian access in Syria (S/RES/2139 and S/RES/2165)
Mandates Expire  
15 October UNISFA (Abyei) (S/RES/2156)
15 October MINUSTAH (Haiti) (S/RES/2119)
25 October

Humanitarian exemptions and partial lifting of the arms embargo in Somalia (S/RES/2111 and S/RES/2142)

31 October AMISOM (Somalia) (S/RES/2124)
25 November Monitoring Group for the 751/1907 Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee (will be renewed in October)(S/RES/2111)


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