Insights on the work of the UN Security Council

  • 5 April 2011

    Insights on Libya

    Although it is not currently on the Council’s provisional programme of work, the Secretary-General has been requested by resolution 1973 to provide a monthly report. It seems that this is likely to be be scheduled towards the end of April....

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  • Council members were briefed yesterday (Monday, 4 April) by the head of UN peacekeeping, Alain Le Roy, on the Secretary-General’s decision to give operational clearance for UNOCI to take “necessary measures” to prevent the use of heavy weapons against civilians...

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  • 5 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Tomorrow (6 April 2011) the Council will hold an open debate on Haiti. Colombia has chosen Haiti as a priority issue for its presidency of the Council this month and its president, Juan Manuel Santos will preside over the meeting....

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  • 4 April 2011

    Insights on Libya

    The Council will be briefed in a formal public meeting by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Libya, Abdelilah Al-Khatib this afternoon. This will be followed by informal consultations on Libya. Al-Khatib was in Libya last week where he met with...

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  • Council members met today to discuss the April programme of work. This followed the meeting of political coordinators on Friday on the programme of work. This month Colombia has the presidency. It is looking very likely that the Council will...

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  • Council members will be briefed at 5 pm today (Friday, 1 April) by DPKO head, Alain Le Roy, on the attack against the UN’s office in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan. Council members are then expected to discuss a press statement reacting...

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  • 1 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    On Thursday, 24 April, Council members had their second round of negotiations at the expert level on the draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April. During the Colombia’s presidency...

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  • 1 April 2011

    Insights on Libya

    On Monday, 28 March, a letter signed by 13 countries, from Latin America with a few Asian and African countries, was sent to the president of the Security Council expressing concern about the developments in Libya. It urged the Council...

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  • This afternoon (Thursday, 31 March) the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa will hold a workshop to examine ways of enhancing its role. South Africa, the chair of the Working Group, is hoping to for...

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  • On Monday, 28 March, the Council received its first briefing from the Permanent Representative of Portugal, José Filipe Moraes Cabral, the chair of the 1970 Sanctions Committee. (Resolution 1970 requested a report from the Committee on its work for the...

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  • A draft resolution on Côte d’Ivoire under Chapter VII and co-sponsored by Nigeria and France has been put in blue and circulated to Council members. There still seems to be differences among Council members over some of the elements in...

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  • 29 March 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Preparations for a high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April are currently underway. A draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the debate was circulated to all Council members on Monday, 28 March, and the first expert...

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  • Council members met at the expert level for six and a half hours yesterday (28 March) on the draft resolution circulated by Nigeria and France on Friday, 25 March. Council members are expected to get a revised draft today. Both...

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  • On 22 March the Council had its regular briefing on the Middle East and Palestinian Question. Oscar Fenandez-Taranco, Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, briefed the Council on developments related to the Quartet as well as incidents on the ground. (The...

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  • Council members are expected to have their first discussion at expert level on a draft resolution on Côte d’Ivoire on Monday, 28 March. The draft text resolution was circulated by Nigeria and France today during the Council’s informal consultations on...

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