What's In Blue

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2011
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Consultations on Libya

Tomorrow (9 September) Council members will be briefed in consultations by Ian Martin, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for post-conflict planning in Libya, on his recent visit to Libya where he met with senior NTC representatives. Council members appear keen to hear about the type of UN support being asked for before beginning formal discussions on the mandate of a UN mission in Libya.

It seems the Secretary-General circulated a letter to the president of the Council yesterday outlining the possible mandate of the mission in Libya. It appears that he is proposing an integrated support mission be set up for an initial three month period staffed by substantive and support personnel in the priority areas requested by the Libyan transitional authorities. It seems that the mission’s mandate could include assistance in restoring security and order and promoting the rule of law; promoting reconciliation and embarking upon constitution-making and electoral processes; strengthening emerging accountable institutions and restoring public services; protecting human rights and supporting transitional justice; initiating economic recovery; and coordinating multilateral and bilateral support.

It seems that the UK has drafted a resolution which sets out the mandate of the new mission in Libya. It appears that the draft resolution may also cover other issues related to Libya including a mechanism for unfreezing assets and arms embargo exemptions. It seems that the draft could be shared with the permanent members today and possibly circulated to all Council members after the briefing tomorrow or early next week.

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