What's In Blue

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2011
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Insights on Conflict Prevention

This afternoon (Thursday, 31 March) the Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa will hold a workshop to examine ways of enhancing its role. South Africa, the chair of the Working Group, is hoping to for a full discussion on the constraints of the Working Group and possible ways of enhancing its role. (The Working Group was set up in 2002 by S/PRST/2002/2 which recognised the “need for adequate measures to prevent and resolve conflicts in Africa”. )

The Permanent Representative of Uganda, Ruhakana Rugunda, a former chairman of the Working Group and the Executive Director of Security Council Report, Colin Keating, have been invited to participate in the workshop. Among the areas that are likely to be covered are how the Working Group can gather ideas from outside the Council and how best to then convey these ideas to the Council. A related area is whether there needs to be a change in the Working Methods of the Council to allow for easier flow of information between the Working Group and the Council.

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