UN Documents for Afghanistan: Security Council Meeting Records

Security Council Meeting Records Return to full list
30 June 2009 S/PV.6154 (Resumption 1) This was the resumption of the June debate on the Secretary-General's report.
19 March 2009 S/PV.6094 This was the meeting in which Kai Eide briefed the Council on the Secretary-General's report.
4 December 2008 S/PV.6031 This was a briefing on the Security Council Mission to Afghanistan from 21-28 November.
14 October 2008 S/PV.5994 This was the briefing by the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan.
22 September 2008 S/PV.5977 During this meeting the Council extended ISAF's authorisation until 13 October 2008.
9 July 2008 S/PV/5930 This was the briefing by the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan and the Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs.
12 March 2008 S/PV.5851 This was the open debate with a briefing by Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Marie Guehenno who explained that UNAMA did not need additional powers but that its mandate needed to be sharpened.
15 October 2007 S/PV.5760 This was the briefing by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Tom Koenigs.
19 September 2007 S/PV.5744 This was the meeting during which resolution 1776 was adopted.
17 July 2007 S/PV.5718 This was a briefing from Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Hédi Annabi.
23 May 2007 S/PV.5680 The Council was briefed in private consultation by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan Koenigs.
7 December 2006 S/PV.5581 This was the discussion on the report of the Council mission to Afghanistan.
23 March 2006 S/PV.5393 During this meeting, the Council extended UNAMA's mandate for a further 12 months.
15 February 2006 S/PV.5374 During this meeting, the Council endorsed the Afghanistan Compact by unanimously adopting resolution 1659.
10 February 2006 S/PV.5370 This was a closed meeting attended by Jean-Marie Guéhenno and representatives from Germany and Afghanistan.