UN Documents for Human Rights: Security Council Letters
Security Council Letters | Return to full list |
30 July 2020 S/2020/768 | This letter transmitted the details of an informal meeting members of the Security Council had with the President of the Human Rights Council, Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger. |
9 July 2020 S/2020/674 | This was an open debate via VITC under the agenda item UN peace operations on the topic “peacekeeping operations and human rights”. |
1 July 2020 S/2020/631 | In an attachment to a 1 July note verbale, Belgium, Estonia, France, and Germany circulated a letter from the Chair of the Coordination Committee of the Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures. |
26 June 2020 S/2020/604 | This was a concept note for 7 July peace operations and human rights open debate with the aim to discuss in-depth how peace operations can contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights more effectively. |
30 May 2019 S/2019/449 | This was a letter from Russia and China to the President of the Security Council stating the “Human Rights Council is a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly and as such is not authorized to interact with the Security Council.” |
30 April 2019 S/2019/357 | This was a letter from the Chair of the Coordination Committee of the Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures, which Belgium, France and Germany circulated as an attachment to the note verbale from 30 April. |
30 April 2019 S/2019/356 | This was a note verbale from Germany addressed to the President of the Security Council, annexing a note from the President of the Human Rights Council, Coley Seck, on a proposal made regarding opportunities to organize informal discussions in Geneva between the members of the Human Rights Council and the President of the Security Council for the month. |
26 October 2018 S/2018/957 | This was a letter to the Council from western European members, protesting the Israeli ambassador's insults thrown in Hebrew at an Israeli human rights activist speaker during the 18 October open debate on the Middle East. |
18 April 2017 S/2017/335 | This was the NAM communiqué from Venezuela to the Council president expressing concern over the Council’s encroachment on the purview of other UN bodies. |
3 December 2015 S/2015/931 | This was a joint letter from Chile, France, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Spain, the UK and the US requesting a meeting on the DPRK. |
17 June 2015 S/2015/446 | This was the report of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations. |
19 December 2014 S/2014/928 | This was the final report of the CAR Commission of Inquiry. |
5 December 2014 S/2014/872 | This was a letter from ten Council members requesting that the situation in the DPRK be formally placed on the Council’s agenda without prejudice to the item on non-proliferation in the DPRK. |
11 July 2014 S/2014/501 | This was a letter from Australia, France and the US that summarised the Council’s Arria-formula meeting on the CoI report on human rights in DPRK. |
14 April 2014 S/2014/276 | This was a letter to the Council from Australia, France and the US transmitting the report of the commission of inquiry on human rights in the DPRK. |