UN Documents for Peacebuilding (including the PBC): Peacebuilding Commission Documents
Peacebuilding Commission Documents | Return to full list |
16 June 2009 PBC/3/GNB/6 | This was a statement by the PBC Guinea-Bissau configuration condemning the killings of a candidate in the country’s presidential elections and a former minister of state and member of parliament. |
10 June 2009 PBC/3/SLE/6 | This was the outcome of the PBC High-Level session on Sierra Leone. |
9 June 2009 PBC/3/CAF/7 | This was the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in CAR 2009-2011. |
5 June 2009 PBC/3/SLE/L.2 | This contained the outcome of the Peacebuilding Commission high-level special session on Sierra Leone. |
6 April 2009 PBC/3/SLE/4 | This was the statement welcoming the joint communiqué between the two leading political parties in Sierra Leone. |
23 March 2009 PBC/3/CAF/L.1 | This was the draft strategic framework for peacebuilding in the Central African Republic 2009-2011. |
4 March 2009 PBC/3/GNB/5 | This was the statement by the chair of the PBC’s configuration on Guinea-Bissau condemning the assassination of President João Bernardo Vieira and army chief Tagme Na Waie. |
9 February 2009 PBC/3/BDI/3 | These were the conclusions of the second biannual review of the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in Burundi. |
5 February 2009 PBC/3/BDI/2 | This was the second biannual report reviewing progress on the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in Burundi. |
20 January 2009 PBC/3/CAF/4 | This was the statement by the chair of the PBC country configuration (for CAR) welcoming the outcome of the inclusive political dialogue. |
16 December 2008 PBC/3/SLE/2 | This outlined conclusions and recommendations of the second biannual review of the Sierra Leone Peacebuilding Cooperation Framework. |
16 December 2008 PBC/3/BDI/1 | These were the conclusions of the Burundi configuration of the PBC. |
11 December 2008 PBC/3/CAF/3 | This was the report of the PBC mission to CAR from 30 October to 6 November 2008. |
2 December 2008 PBC/3/GNB/4 | This was the PBC's conclusions and recommendations on the situation in Guinea-Bissau. |
13 October 2008 PBC/2/SLE/SR.4 | This was a meeting of the Sierra Leone configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission on the biannual review of the Peacebuilding Cooperation Framework and report of the Peacebuilding Commission on its visit to Sierra Leone. |