UN Documents for Arms Control and Disarmament, including small arms: General Assembly Documents
General Assembly Documents | Return to full list |
9 December 1997 A/RES/52/38 | This resolution requested the Secretary-General to assist and provide such services as may be necessary to fulfil the tasks entrusted to him by the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty. |
10 December 1996 A/RES/51/45 F | This resolution outlined measures to curb the illicit transfer and use of conventional arms. |
1 July 1996 A/51/182 | This included guidelines for international arms transfers. |
9 December 1991 A/RES/46/36 L | This resolution established the UN Register of Conventional Arms. |
9 September 1991 A/46/301 | This was a Secretary-General’s study on ways and means of promoting transparency in international transfers of conventional arms. |
4 December 1989 A/RES/44/34 | This was the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries. |
30 June 1978 A/S-10/2 | This was the final document of the General Assembly’s first Special Session on disarmament. |
11 December 1975 A/RES/3472 B (XXX) | This resolution outlined the criteria for nuclear weapons-free zones. |
9 December 1974 A/RES/3263 (XXIX) | This resolution raised a question of a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. |
19 November 1965 A/RES/2028 (XX) | This resolution contained guidelines for the negotiation of a treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. |
4 December 1961 A/RES/1665 (XVI) | This resolution called for legally binding commitments and comprehensive safeguards to stop the further spread of nuclear weapons and to work towards their eventual elimination. This resolution called for legally binding commitments and comprehensive safeguards to stop the further spread of nuclear weapons and to work towards their eventual elimination. |
20 November 1959 A/RES/1378 (XIV) | This resolution put general and complete disarmament under effective international control on the General Assembly agenda. |
11 January 1952 A/RES/502 (VI) | This resolution replaced the Atomic Energy Commission and the Commission for Conventional Armaments with the Disarmament Commission. |
19 November 1948 A/RES/192 (III) | This resolution recommended the Security Council pursue the study of the regulation and reduction of conventional armaments and armed forces through the Commission for Conventional Armaments. |
14 December 1946 A/RES/41 (I) | This resolution recommended that the Council formulate practical measures to provide for the general regulation and reduction of armaments and armed forces, and to assure that such regulation and reduction will be generally observed. In effect this resolution was a reiteration of Council’s obligations under the UN Charter. |